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Running Cortex API & Cortex Studiooutside of Eclipse

Running Cortex API & Cortex Studiooutside of Eclipse

You can run Cortex Studio and the Cortex API outside of Eclipse by using a local Apache proxy server.

For quick setup, we provide Apache config files pre-configured to run on your local. Any proxy works, but Apache HTTP Server is the only server we test.

  1. Download the Apache 2.4 win32 zip file from or the win64 from
  2. Extract the Apache24 folder locally to C:\Apache24
  3. Download the pre-configured Apache configs from here: ZIP.
  4. Unzip the reference configuration files [ep-cortex-proxy.conf and httpd.conf] to C:\Apache24\conf
  5. Start up Cortex API on port 9080: open a command line, navigate to your Cortex API web application folder (C:\repository\cortex-dce\webapp), and run the following:
    mvn tomcat:run-war
  6. Start up Search on port 8080: open another command line, navigate to your Search web application folder (C:\repository\commerce-engine\search\ep-search-webapp), and run the following:
    mvn tomcat:run-war
  7. Start up Cortex Studio on port 8888: open another command line, navigate to your Cortex Studio (C:\repository\relos\studio), and run the following:
    mvn tomcat:run-war -Dmaven.tomcat.port=8888 
    Note: Studio Port 8888

    Cortex Studio starts on port 8080 by default, but so does Search. Starting Cortex Studio on port 8888 avoids port conflicts.

  8. Open a new command line, navigate to C:\Apache24\bin and run the following command to run Apache:
  9. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost/studio
Note: PORT 80

On Windows 7, often port 80 is in use by a system service. Change your apache httpd.conf to Listen on another port like 81 instead.

Note: 403 Forbidden

If you receive this error when accessing Cortex Studio, you probably need to change the X-Forwarded-Base setting. For more information, seeMultiple Proxies Connecting to Cortex API (A.K.A Getting around CORS).

Note: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

This is a CORS issue. Make sure Cortex Studio's Server is set to http://localhost/cortex. In Cortex Studio, click Setup and set the Cortex Server to: http://localhost/cortex.