Generate Cortex Projects
Generate Cortex Projects
You need to generate the following projects in order to run the Cortex API web application:
- Resource-Configuration Project - Contains an OSGI blueprint file (resource-extensions-configuration-blueprint.xml) that defines the list of resource bundles that Cortex API requires. For more information, see Creating Cortex Resources: Adding new resources to the Resource Layer.
- Cortex API Web Application - Web application Cortex API runs inside of. This project defines all of the Maven artifacts to include in the running web application.
Make sure that all resources referenced in the Resource-Configuration Project are also defined in Cortex API Web Application pom.xml or else your web application will be in an error state.
Why are we generating these projects?
You generate these projects so you have a local, customizable Resource-Configuration Project and a Cortex API Web Application. If you are customizing Cortex API, i.e. adding and removing resources, you need to customize these two projects to add or remove the resource references.
Generate Cortex API Resource-Configuration Project
Elastic Path provides a Maven Archetype to simplify the programmer's job of creating a new Resource-Configuration Project.
To generate the Resource-Configuration Project:
- Open a command prompt and navigate to your Extensions Directory.
- Run the following command to create a Cortex API Resource-Configuration Project:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=ep-cortex-dce-resource-configuration-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=com.elasticpath.cortex.dce -DarchetypeVersion=<your-artifact-version>
Tip: Stack Trace TipYou may see a stack trace preceded by a warning similar to the following:
[WARNING] Error reading archetype catalog org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException: Error transferring file: Connection timed out: connect
This can occur if you are operating Maven in online mode. It can be safely ignored.
- Enter the following information when prompted:
Table 1. Variable Value Example groupId The group ID of your company artifactId The artifact ID you want to use for the project commerce-api-resource-integrations version The version of the archetype artifact 1.0-SNAPSHOT package The base Java package structure of the customization (defaults to the groupId) - In the command line, navigate to the newly created project directory and execute the following command to build the project and install it in your local .m2 repository:
mvn install
Tip: mvn installIf you want to remove previous build artifacts before rebuilding, use mvn clean install instead.
Generate Cortex API Web Application
Elastic Path provides a Maven Archetype to simplify the programmer's job for creating a new Cortex API Web Application.
The instructions assume you have already mapped your Cortex API DCE wrapper to Elastic Path's core library following the instructions here: Your Cortex API web application will fail to build if you have not mapped this project.
To generate Cortex API Web Application:
- Open a command prompt and navigate to your Extensions Directory.
- Run the following command to create a Cortex API Web Application:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=ep-cortex-dce-webapp-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=com.elasticpath.cortex.dce -DarchetypeVersion=<your-artifact-version>
Tip: Stack Trace TipYou may see a stack trace preceded by a warning similar to the following:
[WARNING] Error reading archetype catalog org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException: Error transferring file: Connection timed out: connect
This can occur if you are operating Maven in online mode. It can be safely ignored.
- Enter the following information when prompted:
Table 2. Variable Value Example groupId The group ID of your company artifactId The artifact ID you want to use for the project commerce-api-webapp version The version of the archetype artifact 1.0-SNAPSHOT package The base Java package structure of the customization (defaults to the groupId) resource-configuration-artifact-id The artifact ID of the resource configuration project you generated in the section above. commerce-api-resource-integrations resource-configuration-group-id The group ID of the resource configuration project you generated in the section above. resource-configuration-version The version of the resource configuration project you generated in the section above. 1.0-SNAPSHOT - With an XML editor, open the POM file of your newly created project.
- Above the <dependencies> tag, add the following property.
<properties> <licensing.skip>true</licensing.skip> </properties>
- In the command line, change to the newly created project directory and execute the following command to build the project and install it in your local .m2 repository:
mvn install -Pwith-oauth2-resource
Tip: mvn clean install tipIf you want to remove previous build artifacts before rebuilding, use mvn clean install instead.