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Setting Refresh Strategies

Setting Refresh Strategies

Application administrators can change system values at any time through the configuration area in the Commerce Manager. A suitable setting refresh strategy should be selected to balance responsiveness with system performance.

Refresh strategy types

There are three types of refresh strategies:

  • Application
  • Interval
  • Immediate

Application refresh strategy

Settings that use the application refresh strategy are only updated after the application is restarted.

Interval refresh strategy

Settings that use the interval refresh strategy are cached and are only refreshed after a specified period of time. As a result, users do not see changes to these settings until the cache interval expires. When this strategy is used, the setting value must specify the name of one of the cache settings. The value of the specified cache setting indicates the refresh interval.

Immediate refresh strategy

Settings that use the immediate refresh strategy are not cached. As soon as the administrator changes a setting, the change is applied. Since the values are not cached, the database must be queried every time they are required. This may cause some performance degradation in high-traffic areas of the system.

Modifying a setting's refresh strategy

  1. Log on to the Commerce Manager.
  2. Click on the Configuration icon.
  3. In the Configuration menu, choose System Configuration.
  4. Select the setting.
  5. Expand Setting Definition Metadata.
  6. Select apiRefreshStrategy and click Edit.
  7. Modify the refresh strategy's Value.
  8. Click Save.