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Creating an Implementation of Shipping Calculation API

Creating an Implementation of Shipping Calculation API

Elastic Path provides new plugins, such as shipping-calculation-connectivity-api and shipping-calculation-plugin-epcommerce, to support shipping calculation API framework. The shipping-calculation-connectivity-api bundle defines the interfaces that a new plugin needs to implement. The custom plugin replaces the shipping-calculation-plugin-epcommerce bundle.

To implement a new plugin, you must replace the following dependency with the new dependencies in the cortex and cm-libs module's POM.xml:
  1. Create a new module in the extensions module for your shipping calculation API called Shipping Calculation Plugins:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project xmlns=""
       <name>Shipping Calculation Plugins</name>
          <module>Name of the custom plugin folder</module>
  2. Add Shipping Calculation Plugins as a module in the extensions/pom.xml file.
  3. Create a directory within the Shipping Calculation Plugins directory for your specific plugin, such as custom_shipping_calculation_plugin.
  4. Add the following POM file to the plugin:
    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    	<name>EP Shipping Calculation Plugin</name>
  5. Create standard Maven directories in the following structure in this module:
  6. Create a class to extend AbstractShippingCalculationPlugin.
    package com.elasticpath.shipping.connectivity.spi;
    import com.elasticpath.shipping.connectivity.spi.capability.ShippingCalculationCapability;
     * Service Provider Interface for extension classes implementing shipping calculation plugins.
    public abstract class AbstractShippingCalculationPlugin implements ShippingCalculationPlugin, Serializable {
    	 * Serial Version UID.
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    	public <T extends ShippingCalculationCapability> T getCapability(final Class<T> capability) {
    		if (hasCapability(capability)) {
    			return capability.cast(this);
    		return null;
    	public <T extends ShippingCalculationCapability> boolean hasCapability(final Class<T> capability) {
    		return capability.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass());
  7. Implement ShippingCostCalculationCapability, ShippingOptionListCapability, ShippingOptionListAllCapability, and ShippingOptionListPerDestinationCapability.
    Implement shipping calculation capability as in the following example:
    public Money calculateShippingCost(final ShippingServiceLevel shippingServiceLevel,
    										  final Collection<? extends ShippableItem> shippableItems,
    										  final Money shippableItemsSubtotal,
    										  final Currency currency) {
    		return shippingServiceLevel.getShippingCostCalculationMethod()
    				.calculateShippingCost(shippableItems, shippableItemsSubtotal, currency, productSkuLookup);
  8. Add the plugin into the Cortex and Commerce Manager modules.