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Adding State Policy aware UI controls

Adding State Policy aware UI controls

Use the IPolicyTargetLayoutComposite's add methods to add State Policies aware UI controls. These methods take a PolicyActionContainer object as their final parameter. This ensures that a StateChangeTarget is added to the PolicyActionContainer for each UI control that is added to the composite

If you are Creating a State Policy aware dialog, use the IPolicyTargetLayoutComposite in the createDialogContent method. Otherwise, use the PolicyTargetCompositeFactory to get an IPolicyTargetLayoutComposite instance.

  1. final PolicyActionContainer myPolicyContainer = addPolicyActionContainer("myPolicyContainer"); //$NON-NLS-1$
  3. // Create a grid layout composite
  4. final IEpLayoutComposite gridLayoutComposite =
  5. CompositeFactory.createGridWrapLayoutComposite(parent, 2, false);
  7. // Wrap it in a State Policy aware layout composite
  8. final IPolicyTargetLayoutComposite policyComposite =
  9. PolicyTargetCompositeFactory.wrapLayoutComposite(gridLayoutComposite);
  11. // Add UI controls
  12. policyComposite.addLabelBoldRequired("Label", labelData, myPolicyContainer);
  13. policyComposite.addTextField(fieldData, myPolicyContainer);
