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URI Standards

URI Standards

URI Anatomy

The image below shows a breakdown of a standard Cortex URL. The example request retrieves a list of line items in a shopper's cart


URI Part Description
Request Method The HTTP method performed on the resource. For more information on supported Cortex HTTP Methods, see Request Methods.
Base URL The API's domain address.
Resource Family

The family that this resource belongs to. A resource family is made up of many individual resources.


The store's identifier, which is known as the store's scope. Stores can have different scopes for the regions they sell in. For more information, see scope below.

Resource Identifier

The unique identifier of the resource being retrieved, updated or deleted. This example uses default, which is special keyword that redirects to the authenticated shopper's default cart. For more information, see default below.

Subresource A subresource is a resource that cannot exist without the existence of another resource. In this example, the line items of a shopper's cart cannot exist with the cart itself.


scope is an unique identifier for a store. Companies selling goods and services through Cortex may have different scopes for the regions they sell in. For example, mystore_US, mystore_UK. Scoping could also be aligned with other selling methods, such as by product line: product1_store, product2_store.


default is a keyword that is used instead of a resource identifier to discover a default resource. For example, the default keyword offers a way to find a shopper's cart without needing to know a specific cart identifier. When the default keyword is used, Cortex returns a 307 Temporary Redirect with a location to the default resource. This capability enables resources to be API Entry Points.