Tag dictionaries
Tag dictionaries
A tag dictionary is a logical set of tag definitions that share common characteristics. All tag definitions must be associated with at least one tag dictionary.
Tag dictionaries are defined in the TTAGDICTIONARY table. Out of the box, Elastic Path Commerce includes the following tag dictionaries:
- SHOPPER: contains tags that relate to shoppers
- TIME: contains tags that relate to time
- STORES: contains tags that relate to stores
- PLA_SHOPPER : contains tags that relate to shoppers used in the Price List Assignment wizard.
- PROMOTIONS_SHOPPER: contains tags that relate to shoppers used in the Promotions wizard.
You can use existing dictionaries for your custom tags or you can create your own dictionaries.
insert into TTAGDICTIONARY(uidpk, guid, name, purpose) values(4, 'CUSTOM', 'Custom', 'Used to store custom tags and conditions');