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Request Entry Points

Request Entry Points

Cortex entry point resources are the starting points for retrieving links to other resources. Entry point resources act like a website's landing page, which provide links to the other pages on the site. Entry point resource URLs are the only URLs you need to construct manually, all other resources can be retrieved by following the links from these entry points.

Shopper Entry Points

Entry point resources for retrieving information about the shopper and their shopping cart.

Entry Point Description Resource URL
Default Profile The shopper's default profile resource has links to:
  • The shopper's addresses.
  • The shopper's email.
  • The shopper's saved payment methods.
  • The shopper's previous purchases.
Default Cart The shopper's default cart resource has links to:
  • The cart's lineitems.
  • The cart's discounts.
  • The cart's order, which has links to purchase a cart.
  • The cart's total.

Item Discovery Entry Points

Entry point resources for discovering items for sale:

Entry Point Description Resource URL
Searches The searches resource has links to perform a keyword search for items and retrieve the results. /searches/{scope}
Navigations The navigations resource has links to categories of items for sale. /navigations/{scope}

Store Entry Points

Entry points resources for retrieving scope specific information:

Entry Point Description Resource URL
Geographies The geographies resource has links to the countries and regions supported by a particular scope. /geographies/{scope}
Account Registration The registrations resource has links to register a new account for a shopper. /registrations/{scope}/newaccount/form

Authentication Entry Points

Cortex comes with bundled with an OAuth2.0 reference implementation of OAuth2. The endpoint for this non-Cortex resource is:

Entry Point Description Resource URL
Authentication An end point for authenticating users with the OAuth2 protocol. /oauth2/tokens