Core Commerce Source Modules
Core Commerce Source Modules
This section provides details about some of the key modules in the Core Commerce source distribution.
Commerce Engine Modules
Module | Description |
batch | Batch Server JAR module. |
core | Core Engine project. This project produces the JAR that contains the Core engine, which contains the lower layers of Core Commerce architecture. |
Email processing modules. | |
importexport | Import-Export Tool. |
jms | JMS integration. For more information, see Asynchronous Event Messaging. |
liquibase | Liquibase change logs. |
messaging | Event messages for business events. For more information, see Asynchronous Event Messaging. |
order-processing | Camel routes to split order events into gift certificate and shipment events for fulfillment processing. |
payment-gateway-connectivity | Connectivity API for payment processing that is used by Payment Gateway Accelerator Kits. |
querylanguage | Query Language project. This project produces a JAR that contains advanced query/EPQL classes. |
search | Search Server JAR module and Solr configuration files. |
sync | Data Sync Tool. |
tax-calculation-connectivity | Connectivity API for tax calculation that is used by Tax Calculation Accelerator Kits. |
Commerce Extensions Modules
Module | Description |
activemq-broker | Runs a local ActiveMQ JMS broker. |
assets | Application assets including Velocity templates and dynamic content. |
batch | Batch Server extension JAR and webapp modules. |
cm | Commerce Manager extensions and webapp modules. |
core | Core extensions. See Extensions Core modules. |
cortex | Cortex extension bundles, commerce engine wrapper, webapp and system tests. |
data-population | Data Population extensions. See the Extending Data Population Tool in Developer Tools. |
database | Schema extensions and catalog data. See Modifying Schema and Catalog Data. |
importexport | Import-Export Tool extensions |
integration | Integration Server webapp. |
packager | Creates a deployment package and a standalone demo package. |
search | Search Server extension JAR and webapp modules. |
sync | Data Sync Tool extensions. |
system-tests | System tests that depend on launching webapps. Includes webapp smoke tests, extensibility tests, Import/Export tests, and Data Sync tests. |