2. Run Storefront
2. Run Storefront
Storefront requires Search and Active MQ to run with it.
- Open a command line, navigate to extensions\activemq-broker, and run the following command to start up Active MQ.
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- Open a new command line, navigate to extensions\search\ext-search-webapp, and run the following command to start up Search on port 8082.
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- (Optional) To enable email delivery, open a new command line, navigate to extensions\integration\ext-integration-webapp, and run the following command to start up the Integration Server on port 8083.
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- Open a new command line, navigate to extensions\storefront\ext-storefront-webapp, and run the following command to start up Storefront on port 8080.
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- With a web browser, go to the storefront URL http://demo.elasticpath.com:8080/storefront. You should see the demo store's homepage.
Note: No product found in storefront categories
You may not see any products when searching or viewing categories for the first time. This is because your search indexes have yet to build.