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Exporting Data

Exporting Data

Exporting Data Using Maven

The Import-Export tool provides a maven profile, do-export, to export data easily. Exporting using the maven command is preferable in a local development environment. The maven profile allows for debugging of the Import-Export tool using mvnDebug and the creation of environment specific exportconfiguration.xml and searchconfiguration.xml files if needed. When using the maven profile, there is no need to specify database connection details.

To export data via maven, use the following command from the target directory:

mvn clean package -Pdo-export

Exporting Data Using the Batch Script


Before running the batch script, ensure that the Elastic Path database server and web applications are running.

To export data via the batch script, navigate to the directory you extracted the Import-Export tool distributable to and run the following command:

importexport.bat -e <search_config_file> [-c <export_config_file>] [-l <locale>]


  • <search_config_file> is the path to the file that contains the search criteria
  • <export_config_file> is the path to the file that contains the export configuration. This parameter is optional. If it is not specified, the Import-Export tool will look for a file named exportconfiguration.xml in the Import-Export tool installation directory
  • <locale> is the code of the locale for which you want to export data. This only affects localized data. If no locale is specified, the corresponding data for all locales is exported

During the export operation, information and error messages are printed to the console. Errors are also logged in a file in the logs directory.

If you experience problems during export, see Appendix E - Troubleshooting.