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Specifies what type of data to export.

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Specifies the type of data to export. Supported values are:

  • PRODUCT: Export products that match the search criteria. Exported product data is stored in a file named products.xml. The associated category and catalog data is exported as well. This attribute also exports product bundles and their constituents.
  • CATALOG: Export catalogs that match the search criteria. Exported catalog data is stored in a file named catalogs.xml.
  • CATEGORY: Export categories that match the search criteria. Exported category data is stored in a file named categories.xml. The associated catalog data is exported as well.
  • PROMOTION: Export promotions that match the search criteria. Exported promotion data is stored in a file named promotions.xml.
  • SYSTEMCONFIGURATION: Exports the system configuration settings that match the search criteria. Configuration setting data is stored in a file named system_configuration.xml.
  • PRICELISTDESCRIPTOR: Exports the price lists that match the search criteria. Exported price list data is stored in a file named price_lists.xml.
  • PRICELISTASSIGNMENT: Exports the price list assignments that match the search criteria. Exported price list assignment data is stored in a file named price_list_assignments.xml
  • PAYMENTGATEWAY: Exports the payment gateways that match the search criteria. Exported paymentgateway data is stored in a file name payment_gateways.xml .
  • TAXJURISDICTION: Exports the tax jurisdictions that match the search criteria. Exported tax jurisdiction data is stored in a file named tax_jurisdictions.xml.
  • TAXCODE: Exports the tax codes that match the search criteria. Exported tax codes are stored in a file named tax_codes.xml.
  • WAREHOUSE: Exports the warehouses that match the search criteria. Exported warehouses are stored in a file named warehouses.xml.
  • CUSTOMER: Exports customers that match the search criteria. Exported customers are stored in a file named customers.xml.
  • CUSTOMERPROFILE_ATTRIBUTE: Exports the customer's profile attributes that match the search criteria. Exported customer profile attributes are stored in a file named customerprofile_attributes.xml.
  • STORE: Exports the stores that match the search criteria. Exported stores are stored in a file named stores.xml.
  • STORE_ASSOCIATION: Exports the store associations that match the search criteria. Exported store associations are stored in a file named store_associations.xml.
  • CMUSER: Exports the CMusers that match the search criteria. Exported CMusers are stored in a file named cmusers.xml.
  • USER_ROLE: Exports the user roles that match the search criteria. Exported user roles are stored in a file named user_roles.xml.
  • GIFT_CERTIFICATE: Exports the gift certificates that match the search criteria. Exported gift certificates are stored in a file named gift_certificates.xml.
  • SHIPPING_REGION: Exports the shipping regions that match the search criteria. Exported shipping regions are stored in a file named shipping_regions.xml.
  • SHIPPING_SERVICE_LEVEL: Exports the shipping service levels that match the search criteria. Exported shipping service levels are stored in a file named shipping_service_levels.xml.
  • SAVED_CONDITION: Exports the saved conditions that match the search criteria. Exported saved conditions are stored in a file named saved_conditions.xml.
  • CM_IMPORT_JOB: Exports the CM import jobs that match the search criteria. Exported CM import jobs are stored in a file named cmimportjobs.xml.
  • DATA_POLICY: Exports the data policies that are in the system. The exported data policies are stored in data_policies.xml.
  • CUSTOMER_CONSENT: Exports the customer consents that are in the system. The exported customer consents are stored in the customer_consents.xml.

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Specifies one or more optional data subtypes to include in the export.