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Data Population Core Configurations

Data Population Core Configurations

Configuration Types

The following configuration resources are included in the data population core module at ep-data-population-core/src/main/resources:
Database Type database-reset-sql/ database-url/
h2 h2.sql h2.propertiesThis is used for integration testing.
mysql mysql.sql
  • oracle.sproc: For on-premise Oracle installations.
  • oracle-rds.sproc: For use with Amazon RDS Oracle.
  • For SID connections, such as Oracle XE.
  • For service connections
sqlserver sqlserver.sql

Database Types

The database type determines the configuration files being used. The database type can be explicitly specified using the data.population.database.type property in environment-specific files. If the type is not specified in the file, the name of the JDBC driver class determines the configuration type. For example, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver has a database type of oracle.

The following resource-location.xml file at commerce-engine/data-population/ep-data-population-core/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/ provides details of the supported configurations:
<util:list id="candidateDatabaseTypes" list-class="java.util.ArrayList" value-type="java.lang.String">

If an exact match between the database type and configuration files without the file suffix is not found, the database type is truncated on the final '-' character and the lookup is attempted again. This is repeated until a match is found or no further truncation is possible. for example,

  • A database type of oracle returns and oracle.sproc.
  • A database type of oracle-service returns and oracle.sproc.