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Filtering Data

Filtering Data

Follow the following recommendations when creating a new data set:
  1. Follow general XML formatting rules.
  2. Use &amp to get ampersands &.

    Follow the same rule for other special characters.

  3. Avoid using angle brackets or <element> tags as placeholder values.
  4. Use '\\' instead of backslashes ('\').

Placeholder values in data sets are filtered by data population before the database update occurs. This provides a consistent way to define environment-specific values for both SQL and import/export files.

Placeholders values are stored in the following files:
File File Path Description <dataDirectory>/config/ Specifies the default values that are shared by all environments. You can override these values in environment-specific property files. <configDirectory>/ Specifies environment specific property values. Each environment has its own file. For example, environments/local/
  1. To create a new placeholder in a data sets, add the placeholder to data using the spring-style placeholder.
  2. Optional: Add the default value for the place holder to the file.
  3. Add environment-specific values to files in each environment directory if the values differ from the default values.

    Elastic Path recommends does not recommend using default values and to add environment-specific values for all environments. If you do not define an environment-specific value, the default value, localhost, is used.

In this example, the placeholder ${} is defined in an import/export data file with a default value as localhost.
    <default_value type="String">${}</default_value>
You can replace the default value with the following environment-specific values:
Environment Value Notes
local${} Uses the value of defined in the .m2/settings.xml file.
dev Uses the test SMTP server URL.
prod Use the production SMTP server URL.