2. Run Cortex and Cortex Studio
2. Run Cortex and Cortex Studio
To run Cortex and Cortex Studio:
- Start up JMS: open a new command line, navigate to your JMS directory (extensions\activemq-broker), and run the following:
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- Start up Search Server on port 8082: open a new command line, navigate to your Search web application folder (extensions\search\ext-search-webapp), and run the following:
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- (Optional) To enable email delivery, open a new command line, navigate to extensions\integration\ext-integration-webapp, and run the following command to start up the Integration Server on port 8083.
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- Start up Cortex and Cortex Studio on port 9080: open a new command line, navigate to extensions\cortex\ext-cortex-webapp, and run the following:
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war
- Open a web browser and go to: http://localhost:9080/studio/
Tip: 403 Forbidden
If you receive this error when accessing Cortex Studio, you probably need to change the X-Forwarded-Base setting.
Note: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
This is a CORS issue. Make sure Cortex Studio's Server is set to http://localhost/cortex. In Cortex Studio, click Setup and set the Cortex Server to: http://localhost/cortex.