Setting up Java Web Start for the Commerce Manager
Setting up Java Web Start for the Commerce Manager
Java Web Start is a framework for launching Java applications directly from the web. Once the Java Web Start Commerce Manager is deployed, a user simply has to click a JNLP file and the CMClient automatically downloads, caches, updates, and runs on the user's computer.
The steps for deploying Java Web Start Commerce manager on a Web server are: build the project, copy the build zip file ( to your web server, and unzip the contents.
- Deploy the zip file to a location on your web server where requests from the cmclient.jnlp file are forwarded.
- Distribute copies of cmclient.jnlp to users who are going to use the Java Web Start Commerce Manager, or create a web page to launch the application, see Creating the Web Page That Launches the Application
For information on running the Java Web Start Commerce Manager, see Running the Java Web Start Commerce Manager