Announcement: You can find the guides for Commerce 7.5 and later on the new Elastic Path Documentation site. This Developer Center contains the guides for Commerce 6.13.0 through 7.4.1.Visit new site

This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.

Configuring the Database Profile

Configuring the Database Profile

Note: Before you Begin
  • Make sure you are on a machine that has access to the following items:
    • Apache Maven 3.0.5
    • Your Maven Nexus server
    • Subversion
    • Your staging or production database

Liquibase configuration is tied to Elastic Path's Maven configuration settings. Therefore, you must modify the Maven settings.xml file.

  1. In your home directory, create a .m2 directory.
  2. With SVN, checkout the settings.xml used by the developers into your .m2 directory.
  3. With a text editor, open settings.xml.
  4. Scroll down to <activeProfiles> and uncomment the appropriate -dev-db profile for your production database. Be sure to comment out all other available database profiles.
  5. Add the following bit of XML under <profiles>:
    Note: Oracle Database Profile

    If you are using Oracle 11g, use the following profile instead and replace epdb.databasename with the name of your database:

    Note: Default settings

    Elastic Path 6.13.0 uses the following database profile values by default:

    Schema Name COMMERCEDB






    All default database settings are defined in the Elastic Path grandparent POM. You may override any setting by adding the new value in your settings.xml database profile.

  6. Replace the id property with your production database's -dev-db profile. For example, mysql-dev-db
  7. Replace the epdb.schemaname property with the name of your database schema.
  8. Replace the epdb.username and epdb.password properties with an account that has permission to access your database.
  9. Replace the and epdb.port properties with your database server's IP and port numbers.