Announcement: You can find the guides for Commerce 7.5 and later on the new Elastic Path Documentation site. This Developer Center contains the guides for Commerce 6.13.0 through 7.4.1.Visit new site

This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.



A promotion is a marketing tool used to increase sales of a certain product or set of products. There are two types of promotions:

  • Shopping cart promotions, which are applied to items after they are added to shopping carts. Shopping cart promotions can be restricted to certain customers, based on Condition Rules.
  • Catalog promotions, which are applied to specific products in the catalog.

When exporting promotions, you can optionally include their associated eligibilities (in the case of shopping cart promotions), conditions, and actions.

Sample XML: Promotions

<promotion type="Cart">
    <name>20% off all digital camera with coupon</name>
        <value language="en">25 % off digital camera</value>
    <description>20% off all DigiCameras (single use per customer only)(coupon code = CAMERA2-1, CAMERA2-2, CAMERA2-3,  CAMERA2-4, CAMERA2-4, CAMERA2-5) IN SNAPITUPUK store</description>
        <action type="cartCategoryPercentDiscountAction">
        <guid>20% off all digital camera with coupon</guid>
        <name>20% off all digital camera with coupon</name>
        <description>Selling Context</description>
                <guid>20% off all digital camera with coupon_TIME</guid>
                <name>20% off all digital camera with coupon_TIME</name>
                <condition_string>{AND {SHOPPING_START_TIME.greaterThan (1262337131000L)} {SHOPPING_START_TIME.lessThan (1580548331000L)}}</condition_string>
<promotion type="Catalog">
    <name>50% off all Single Use Camera's</name>
    <description>50% off all Single Use Camera's</description>
        <action type="catalogCurrencyPercentDiscountAction">