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Storefront server clustering overview

Storefront server clustering overview

The sample storefront server cluster consists of the following:

  • Four servers, each with a storefront instance
  • A load balancer, that is an Apache HTTP server set up on one of the storefront servers

The following diagram describes the server architecture:


Set up a proxy with AJP on each server to prepare the cluster for load balancing:

  1. Enable the two AJP connectors on the application server in <TOMCAT_HOME>\conf\server.xml:
    <Connector enableLookups="false" port="9009" protocol="AJP/1.3"/commerce-legacy/>
    <Connector enableLookups="false" port="9010" protocol="AJP/1.3" scheme="https" secure="true"/commerce-legacy/>

    Port 9010 secure parameters tell Spring Security the port is an AJP secure connection. Without this configuration, Spring Security tries to redirect the request to a secure port that does not exist, causing errors.

  2. Configure Spring Security to receive non-secure and secure connections over ports 80 and 443 (the typical HTTP and HTTPS ports). In the storefront web application's WEB-INF\classes\ file, enter the following:
    ep.port.http=80 # used to be 8080
    ep.port.https=443 # used to be 8443 
    After restarting the server, the following variables are changed in WEB-INF\conf\spring\security\security.xml:
            <port-mapping http="${ep.port.http}" https="${ep.port.https}"/commerce-legacy/>