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This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.

Storefront Caching

Storefront Caching

Available Caches

In addition to the core application data caches, the storefront uses the following caches to improve performance. For information on monitoring these caches, see Monitoring Ehcache.

Cache Name Objects cached Default TTL (seconds) Configuration location
commonWebDomainCache Domain to store code mapping 300 ep-core: simple-timeout-caches.xml
commonWebStoreCodeCache Store codes 300 ep-core: simple-timeout-caches.xml
productAssociationCache Product associations 600 ep-storefront: cache.xml
ruleEngineDataCache Promotion rules 10 ep-storefront: cache.xml
sellingContextDataCache Selling context data 600 ep-storefront: cache.xml
shippingServiceLevelCache Shipping service levels 600 ep-storefront: cache.xml
storeCache Stores 10 ep-storefront: cache.xml
storefrontTopCategoryCache Catagories in navigation bar 30 ep-core: simple-timeout-caches.xml

Configuring Storefront Caches

All caches can be configured using Ehcache configuration files as described by Configuring Ehcache.

Invalidating the Velocity Cache

When you make changes to the storefront's properties or velocity templates, you sometimes need to clear the storefront's cache for the change to take effect. To invalidate the cache, open your store in a web browser and append /invalidate-cache.ep to your storefront URL.

For example, if your storefront URL is, you can invalidate your cache by opening /invalidate-cache.ep in a web browser.