Creating the Database in Oracle 11g
Creating the Database in Oracle 11g
Note: Before You Begin
Make sure you have Oracle 11g installed to your production server.
Creating a Database User Account
In Oracle databases, a database schema is mapped to a user account, so we only need to create a user account for the Elastic Path system.
- Start the SQL*Plus database client by entering the following command:
sqlplus /nolog
- Connect to the database as the SYSuser:
conn / as sysdba
- In SQL*Plus, create a database user account.
create user COMMERCEDB identified by ep;
Note:When starting fresh with Elastic Path 6.15.0, it is recommended you use the name/password combination of COMMERCEDB/ep. This will make configuring Liquibase simpler, as this has been set as the default.
- Grant the user appropriate permissions.
grant connect, resource, dba to COMMERCEDB;
- Exit SQL*Plus.