Cortex API Status Codes
Cortex API Status Codes
HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Code | Definition | Notes |
200 | The request is successful. | 201 usually means a resource was created and 200 means an existing resource was updated. For example, if a new item is added to a cart, a 201 is returned because a new lineitems resource is created to contain the item. If the same item was again added to a cart, a 200 status code is returned because cart's lineitem is updated with the new item. |
201 | Content created in resource. | |
202 | Request accepted. Usually indicates an update or delete request is accepted by Cortex API. | |
204 | Empty content. No body is returned in the response. | Usually indicates a successful update or delete. |
400 | The received URI is malformed. | Bad request. |
401 | Unauthorized access to resource. | - |
403 | Forbidden. Indicates the action cannot be completed. | Usually occurs when an item without a price is being added to a cart. |
404 | Cannot find the specified data in the resource. | - |
405 | Method not allowed. | - |
409 | Conflict | The server cannot complete the response due to a conflict. This can occur when a customer tries to add more items to their cart than the storefront has available. |
415 | Unsupported media type.
| Usually indicates the data stream sent by the client is incompatible with the method specified on the HTTP request. Tip: Content Type Check that your HTTP request header is: Content-Type:application/json |
500 | Internal server error. | - |
503 | Specified resource is not available. | - |