Announcement: You can find the guides for Commerce 7.5 and later on the new Elastic Path Documentation site. This Developer Center contains the guides for Commerce 6.13.0 through 7.4.1.Visit new site

This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.

Elastic Path Maven Commands

Elastic Path Maven Commands

All Elastic Path Commerce modules are Maven modules with configurable pom.xml files. The POM files contain configuration details and dependency information required for building, installing, cleaning, packaging, and running modules in development and CI environments.

This page lists some of the commonly used Maven commands with Elastic Path Commerce.


When running Maven commands you may experience a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread error. To solve this issue increase the memory setting in the MVN_OPTS environment variable.

Building Modules

To build a module, navigate to the module's directory (e.g. extensions/cortex) and execute one of these commands in the command line:
Goal Command
Build module and execute all integration tests mvn clean install
Build module without running integration tests mvn clean install -DskipAllTests

Running Webapps

To run a web application as a standalone process, navigate to the webapp module (e.g. extensions/cortex/ext-cortex-webapp and execute one of these commands:

Goal Command
Run webapp without debugging
mvn clean tomcat8:run-war
Run webapp with external debugging on port 8000 mvnDebug clean tomcat8:run-war

To run web applications as separate processes, the ep-developers profile must be active. For more information see Elastic Path Maven Profiles.

The ep-developers profile assigns the following web application ports:

  • 8081 - Commerce Manager
  • 8082 - Search server
  • 8083 - Integration server
  • 8084 - Batch server
  • 9080 - Cortex and Cortex Studio

Running ActiveMQ

The ActiveMQ broker can either be installed as a service on your computer or run from the command line from extensions/activemq-broker module.

Goal Command
Run ActiveMQ broker from command line
mvn clean tomcat8:run-war

Populating the Database

Data population commands are run from the extensions/database module.

Goal Command
Delete database schema, then create and populate the database mvn clean install -Preset-db
Update the database mvn clean install -Pupdate-db

Updating Configuration Files

The following commands are run from the extensions/database module to update configuration files in your local ${user.home}/ep/conf directory. The configuration files are copied from the these locations in the extensions/database/ext-data module

  • environments/default/files/conf which contains default configuration files that apply to all environments.
  • environments/local/files/conf which contains configuration files that apply only to the local development environment. Duplicate files present in the default environment are overritten by those in the local environment.
Table 1.
Goal Command
Delete your local ${user.home}/ep/conf directory and copy configuration files from the default and local environments. mvn clean install -Preset-conf
Copy configuration files to your ${user.home}/ep/conf directory from the default and local environments, overrwriting existing files. mvn clean install -Pupdate-conf

Importing and Exporting Data Using the Import-Export Tool

For more information, see the Import-Export Tool Guide.
Table 2.
Goal Command
Import data from the target directory mvn package -Pdo-import
Export data to the target directory mvn clean package -Pdo-export

Testing and Code Compliance

Note that code compliance checks can also be activated using Code Compliance Profiles.
Goal Command
Run an individual JUnit test mvn install -Dtest=<TestClassName>
Run an individual JUnit Integration test mvn install -Dit=<TestClassName>
Run PMD to check for common programming flaws mvn pmd:check
Run Checkstyle to validate code formatting and style mvn checkstyle:check
Check for licensing compliance mvn licensing:check

Common Build Sequences

As a development best practice, you may want to script common build sequences. Here are some examples:

Goal Commands
Change ep-core logic, update the ext-commerce-engine-wrapper, then debug in Cortex
mvn clean install -f commerce-engine/core/ep-core/pom.xml
mvn clean install -f extensions/cortex/ext-commerce-engine-wrapper/pom.xml
mvnDebug clean tomcat8:run-war -f extensions/cortex/ext-cortex-webapp/pom.xml
Change ext-core logic, then debug in Cortex
mvn clean install -f extensions/core/ext-core/pom.xml
mvnDebug clean tomcat8:run-war -f extensions/cortex/ext-cortex-webapp/pom.xml