Shopper Key Classes
Shopper Key Classes
The majority of Shopper-related classes are located in the core package (com.elasticpath.core) within the Shopper packages (com.elasticpath.service.shopper, com.elasticpath.domain.shopper)
Domain Classes
- Shopper- A shopper in the system: this is the key object for finding items related to the shopper such as shopping carts and wish lists. Aggregates the following interfaces:
- ShoppingRequisiteData- Consolidates interfaces providing data required for ShoppingCart operations, including:
- PriceListStackCache - Provides access to a cached instance of a PriceListStack.
- TagSource - Provides access to TagSets.
- LocaleProvider - Provides a Locale.
- CurrencyProvider - Provides a Currency.
- StoreCodeProvider - Sets and returns the storeCode for a particular Store.
- CustomerAccessor - Provides access to the Customer attached to the Shopper.
- ShoppingCartAccessor - Provides access to the Shopping Cart attached to the Shopper.
- WishListAccessor - Provides access to the Wish List attached to the Shopper.
- SimpleCacheProvider - Provides access to an attribute cache; currently used for RuleIds (related to Promotion rules used in Shopping Cart.)
- UpdateShopperTransientData - An interface to update any of the transient Shopper data related to a CustomerSession or Customer.
- PureEntity - GUID setter and getter interface for domain entities.
- ShopperMemento - Persistent data for the Shopper.
- ShopperImpl - Implementation of the Shopper interface.
- ShopperKey - Sets and returns the ShopperUID for a CustomerSession.
- ShopperRefrence - Sets and returns the Shopper for a CustomerSession.
Service Classes
- ShopperDao - Data Access Object interface for the ShopperMemento.
- ShopperDaoImpl - Implementation of the Shopper DAO.
- ShopperService - Provides methods for finding or storing the Shopper.
- ShopperServiceImpl - Implementation of ShopperService interface.
- ShopperCleanupService - Supports cleanup activities around Shopper.
- ShopperCleanupServiceImpl - Implements the ShopperCleanupService interface.
- ShopperDependencyCleanupService - Cleans up Shopper dependents.
- ShoppingCartCustomerSessionUpdater - Updates the shopping cart with the customer session.
- CustomerSessionShopperUpdateHandler- Interface implemented by classes that perform operations required when the Shopper is changed on the Customer Session. Includes:
- PromotionCodeInvalidatorForShopperUpdates - Clears promotions and coupons tied to the previous Shopper, and copies any public coupons.
- ShoppingCartMergerForShopperUpdates - Merges Shopping Carts during Shopper changes.
- WishListMergerForShopperUpdates - Combines Wish Lists during shopper changes.
- CustomerConsentMergerForShopperUpdates - Combines customer consents when a shopper changes from anonymous user to shopper profile during the same session.