Extension Webapp Module Structure
Extension Webapp Module Structure
Web Application extensions consist of two parts: a JAR and a WAR. The JAR component contains the extended class files, while the WAR component contains the project configuration files. This separation of class files from project configuration files makes the web applications more robust and easier to maintain.
The JAR component has the following structure:
- <ext-[webapp-name]>
- src
- main
- java
- // Extension classes go here
- resources
- conf
- [webapp-name]-plugin.xml // Spring configuration for new and overriding beans goes here
- pom.xml
The WAR component has the following structure:
- ext-[webapp-name]-webapp
- src
- main
- filtered-resources
- module.properties // Template file used to set Spring property values at build-time. For more info, see Build-time property configuration.
- webapp
- misc
- log4j.properties
- spring
- ep-monitoring.xml // Health check configuration
- elastic-path-servlet.xml // Entry point for loading Spring configuration
- web.xml // WAR configuration
- pom.xml