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Price List Assignment

Price List Assignment

A price list assignment links Price Lists to products for specific catalogs. Price list assignments also contain the pricing conditions that can provide customer prices for targeted shoppers.

Sample XML: Price Lists Assignment

    <name>Senior Shopper</name>
    <description>Shoppers who are seniors will receive cheaper pricing on selected Telescope products.</description>
        <name>Senior Shopper</name>
        <description>PLA SellingContext for Senior Shopper</description>
                <condition_string>{AND {SHOPPING_START_TIME.greaterThan (1230796800000L)} {SHOPPING_START_TIME.lessThan (1669967999000L)}}</condition_string>
                <condition_string>{ AND { AND { CUSTOMER_AGE_YEARS.greaterThanOrEqualTo (65i) } } }</condition_string>