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Elastic Path Quartz Jobs

Elastic Path Quartz Jobs

Elastic Path Commerce provides a number of Quartz jobs out of the box for both the Batch Server and the Search Server. They are configurable from a number of different locations.

For more information on configuring Quartz jobs, see the following:

Batch Server Quartz Jobs

The table below lists the Batch server Quartz jobs.

Job Name Description Default Recurrence Configuration Location(s)
cleanupAbandonedCartsJob Purges abandoned shopping carts. Once an hour, at the 30 minute mark. COMMERCE/STORE/ABANDONEDCARTCLEANUP/maxHistory, COMMERCE/SYSTEM/ABANDONEDCARTCLEANUP/batchSize
cleanupAnonymousCustomerJob Purges anonymous customers. Once an hour, at the 5 minute mark. COMMERCE/STORE/ANONYMOUSCUSTOMERCLEANUP/maxHistory, COMMERCE/SYSTEM/ANONYMOUSCUSTOMERCLEANUP/batchSize
cleanupExpiredOAuth2TokensJob Purges expired OAuth tokens. Daily at midnight. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file.
cleanupFailedOrdersJob Purges failed orders. Once an hour, at the 45 minute mark. COMMERCE/SYSTEM/FAILEDORDERCLEANUP/maxHistory, COMMERCE/SYSTEM/FAILEDORDERCLEANUP/batchSize
cleanupInactiveCartsJob Cleans up inactive carts. Once an hour, at the 15 minute mark. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file.
cleanupOrderLocksJob Cleans up order locks. Once an hour, at the start of the hour (i.e. 1:00pm). commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file.
cleanupSessionsJob Removes all customer session records that have a last accessed date past a defined amount of time. Once an hour, at the 15 minute mark. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file.
importJobCleanupProcessorJob Removes completed import jobs from the database based on their age. Default maximum age: 172800 seconds. Default timeout: 5 minutes. Every 72 hours, with a 30 second delay at startup. COMMERCE/SYSTEM/IMPORT/importJobMaxAge, COMMERCE/SYSTEM/IMPORT/staleImportJobTimeout
inventoryJournalRollupJob Rolls up inventory journal. Every 24 hours, with a 30 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file.
processImportJob Processes import jobs. Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-manager-client/com.elasticpath.cmclient.core module: import-jobs.xml file.
productRecommendationJob Re-computes product recommendations. Daily, at midnight. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file. For more information on configuring product recommendations, see Computing Product Recommendations.
releaseShipmentsJob Calls OrderService.updateOrderShipmentStatus() to release order shipments. Once an hour, at the start of the hour (i.e. 1:00pm). commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file.
searchTermsAggregatorJob Aggregates search terms. Every 30 seconds, with a 30 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file, commerce-engine module: pom.xml file. searchTermsAggregatorJob properties are generally set during the build process, not runtime.
staleImportJobProcessorJob Processing stale import jobs. Every minute, with a 30 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file.
topSellerJob Determines the latest top selling products for testing and demos. Every 30 seconds, with a 30 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-batch module: quartz.xml file, commerce-engine module: pom.xml file. topSellerJob properties are generally set during the build process, not runtime. For more information, see Computing the Top Sellers.

Search Server Quartz Jobs

The table below lists all available Search server Quartz jobs.

Job Description Default Recurrence Configuration Location(s)

Checks for changes to catalog promotion rules and notifies the search server if any are found.

Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.
categoryIndexBuildJob Rebuilds the category index. Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.
cmUserIndexBuildJob Rebuilds the Commerce Manager user index. Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.


Rebuilds the customer index.

Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.

Optimizes the search indices.

Every 5 seconds, with a 2 minute delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file. For more information on optimizing search indices, see Search Index Optimization Job.
productIndexBuildJob Rebuilds the product index. Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.
promotionIndexBuildJob Rebuilds the promotion index. Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.
rulebaseCompileJob Recompiles the rule base, and stores it in the database. Every 5 minutes, with a 5 minute delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file.
shippingServiceLevelIndexBuildJob Rebuilds the shipping service level index. Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.
skuIndexBuildJob Rebuilds the SKU index. Every 5 seconds, with a 10 second delay at startup. commerce-engine/ep-search module: quartz.xml file, property in the file.