Updating Version Numbers
Updating Version Numbers
EP provides scripts to set the project versions and dependencies in Core Commerce, Extensions, and Commerce Manager Client projects. Teams working with EP-Commerce-for-AMC-Spring-2015.zip release package will also reversion using set-ep-for-aem-version.sh.
Example - Versioning a new project for development
- All projects have a common parent folder.
- Project folders have the same names as generated by the Inception accelerator.
- The development branch is checked out for each project.
- Development version numbers follow the recommendation in Construction Practices - Version Numbers.
cd <project-parent-folder> ./devops/scripts/set-ep-versions.sh 614.0.0-SNAPSHOT 0-SNAPSHOT commerce-engine extensions cmclient devops
# For teams with ep-aem-commerce project cd <project-parent-folder> ./devops/scripts/set-ep-for-aem-versions.sh 614.0.0-SNAPSHOT 0-SNAPSHOT ep-aem-commerce geometrixx-demo
On Windows you can use Git Bash, MinGW or Cygwin to run the script.
Versioning of the devops project was added in release 610.1.0 of the Inception Accelerator Kit. For older versions you need to omit the devops parameter.
The set-ep-versions and set-ep-for-aem-versions script is located in devops/scripts.
./set-ep-versions [-h] [-b] [-s <settings-file-location>] <commerce-engine-version> <extensions-version> <commerce-engine-directory> <extensions-directory> <cmclient-directory> <devops-directory> Options: -h, --help Displays the help page -b, --build Builds the projects upon completing the version setting. By building the projects after setting their versions, you verify the new version builds correctly. -s, --maven-settings <settings-file-location> Use a Maven settings.xml file that is not your default from your .m2 directory. This option can let you choose a relative path so each project can use a different settings from the same relative path of the project root. The project directories can be relative or absolute paths.
./set-ep-for-aem-versions.sh [-h] [-b] [-s <settings-file-location>] <commerce-engine-version> <ep-for-aem-version> <ep-for-aem-directory> <geometrixx-demo-directory> Options: -h, --help Displays this help page -b, --build Builds the projects upon completing the version setting. By building the projects after setting their versions, you verify the new version builds correctly. -s, --maven-settings <settings-file-location> Use a Maven settings.xml file that is not your default from your .m2 directory. The project directories can be relative or absolute paths.