Load balancing
In this document
Load balancing
The Apache HTTP Server, with the mod_proxy_balancer and JK Connector (mod_jk) modules, is used to load balance a cluster of servers.
Setting up the Apache HTTP Server
- Download the latest version of Apache from http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi.
- If you download the source code and configure it manually, enable SSL as follows:
- $ {APACHE_HTTP_SERVER_SRC_DIR}/configure --enable-ssl
- --enable-so -enable-mods-shared="proxy \
- proxy_http proxy_ftp proxy_connect headers cache
- disk_cache mem_cache"
- --prefix={INSTALL_FULL_PATH}
- $ {APACHE_HTTP_SERVER_SRC_DIR}/make install
- Set up SSL for the Apache server:
- Create an SSL key and certificate. For more information, see http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=30115.
- Copy the SSL key to APACHE_HOME\conf, and rename the file to "server.key".
- Copy the SSL certificate to APACHE_HOME\conf, and rename the file to "server.crt".
- Enter the following to start the Apache server with SSL enabled:
- {APACHE_HOME}/bin/apachectl startssl
- Enter the following to stop the server:
- {APACHE_HOME}/bin/apachectl stop