Announcement: You can find the guides for Commerce 7.5 and later on the new Elastic Path Documentation site. This Developer Center contains the guides for Commerce 6.13.0 through 7.4.1.Visit new site

This version of Elastic Path Commerce is no longer supported or maintained. To upgrade to the latest version, contact your Elastic Path representative.

Runtime Configurations

Runtime Configurations

Using AEM Web Console, you can configure your OSGi bundles. For information on using AEM Web Console, see AEM's online help:

OSGi Bundle Configurations

Below is a list of the available bundle configurations for EP Commerce for Adobe Marketing Cloud:
Important: Restart Required Configuration changes to the EP Product Importer bundle requires you to restart the bundle for the changes to take affect.
Configuration Description
Elastic Path ActiveMQ Connection Configuration JMS Broker URL Sets the JMS Broker's URL, following this format: {transport}://{host}:{port}
Elastic Path Cortex Client Factory Cortex URL Sets the URL to Cortex.
Elastic Path Cortex Context Manager Cookie Name The authentication cookie's name.
Cookie Domain The cookie's domain attribute.
Cookie Path The cookie's path attribute.
Secure Cookie Enables the cookie's secure flag. If this flag is set to true, all pages/urls that require Cortex data need to be secure (HTTPS).
Http Only Cookie Enables the cookie's HTTP only flag.
Elastic Path JAX-RS Client Logging Configurator Jersey Client Logging Activate traffic logging to debug JAX-RS HTTP requests and responses. The log file is available here: crx-quickstart/logs/error.log.
Jersey Entity Logging Activate entity logging to debug JAX-RS HTTP requests and responses. The log file is available here: crx-quickstart/logs/error.log.
Elastic Path JAX-RS Client Apache Connector Max Connections Maximum number of connections allowed for Apache HttpClient. This number should match the number of concurrent connections allowed in Cortex.
Max Routes per Host Maximum number of routes per host allowed for Apache HttpClient. Since JAX-RS Client only talks to Cortex, this value should match the Max Connections count.
Elastic Path JAX-RS Configured Client Provider Client Configurators list The list of named JAX-RS Client Configurators to use to configure a new JAX-RS Client service.
Client Connect Timeout Connect timeout value in milliseconds. How long to wait for the server to accept an http connection.
Client Read Timeout Read timeout value in milliseconds. How long to wait for the server to return a response.
Elastic Path Importer Configuration Save batch size Sets the number of operations to perform before a batch commits to the JCR.
Throttle batch size Sets the number of operations to perform before a throttle is applied. This helps maintain responsiveness for authors working on a system that the import runs against.
Message Cap

Sets the cap size for log messages. This is useful when logging volume can affect performance and become overwhelming.

Bucket Size

Sets the bucket size, which optimizes the performance of the catalog in production. The JCR has better depth vs breadth performance, where your catalog structure or categories within your catalog are large this setting helps ensure the JCR responds well with this data.

Importer initial timeout Sets the initial timeout in milliseconds for the import listeners. This is the length of time the importer waits for the first import message to arrive on the inbound queues (categories and products).
Importer polling timeout Sets the polling timeout in milliseconds for the import listeners. This is the length of time the importer waits for subsequent messages to arrive on the inbound queues (categories and products).
Cortex Proxy Servlet configuration Enabled Enables the Cortex proxy servlet. By default, its disabled. When disabled, requests to the proxy return a 404 Not Found.
Configuration Description
Elastic Path Cortex Identity Provider Cortex Provider Role The role that the user is to be identified as within cortex.
Cortex Provider Name The name of this external identity provider.
Apache Jackrabbit Oak Default Sync Handler Sync Handler name The name used to reference this instance of a default sync handler.
User Property Mapping What property values to add to the synced user in the JCR.
Apache Jackrabbit Oak External Login Module Cortex Provider Role The role that the user is to be identified as within cortex.
Identity Provider Name The name of the external identity provider to use when authenticating against.
Sync Handler Name The sync handler to use when authentication is successful against the identity provider.
Elastic Path Cortex Authentication Handler URL of login form The url in which this cortex authentication handler should be used.
Elastic Path User Information Service User Identifier Configuration Configure whether the information to be provided is the user name or the email.
Elastic Path Auto Login Enable Auto Login Whether or not to enable login on registration
Auto Login Redirect URL of where to redirect after autologin