Remove an Item from Cart
There are two ways to remove an item from a cart:
the cart’slineitem
: deletes all the items in a lineitemPUT
to the cart’slineitem
: change the number of items in the lineitem
the lineItem
Deleting a cart’s lineitem deletes the lineitem, thereby removing all the items in the lineitem. Once the lineitem is deleted, Cortex returns status code 204 No Content
and a link to the lineitem that was deleted.
the cartGET
the cart’slineitems
- Call
(Update) the cart
This URI updates the number of items in a lineitem. For example, if you have 4 Rockstar T-Shirts in a lineitem, you can use this method to remove 3 of the t-shirts, which leaves 1 T-shirt in the cart. The request body sets the number of items in the lineitem. If you have 4 items and you specify {"quantity":1}
, then you will have one item in the lineitem. Another example is if you have 4 items and you specify {"quantity":10}
, then you will have ten items in the lineitem.
the cartGET
the cart’s lineitemsGET
a cart’s lineitemPUT
to the lineitem to update it (shown below)