Authenticate a Customer
Authenticate a Customer
An access token is required before an application can access Cortex. To validate the end user's credentials, the client application can request a registered user access token. This token enables access to resources that require a registered account and resources that do not require registered accounts.
Requesting an access token
Below is an example of the authentication workflow for requesting a REGISTERED access token from the client application's perspective.
- Construct a POST request to the OAuth2 Resource and set the content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
POST Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Include the following parameters in the request body:
- Cortex authenticates the request and returns either a success or failure HTTP response. Successful authentication returns the following HTTP response:
{ "access_token": "c7326d79-9273-4820-b45d-587f90d1dc9b", "token_type":"bearer", "expires_in": 359, "scope" : "MOBEE", "role": "REGISTERED" }
Unsuccessful authentication returns a 401 status code and an error message.
Using an access token
Once the token is granted, all subsequent requests to Cortex must include the access token in an Authorization request header. If the access token is invalid, does not exist in the Authorization request header, or the user does not have the authority to access a resource, Cortex returns a 401 status code
Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer c7326d79-9273-4820-b45d-587f90d1dc9b
You must use Bearer in the Authorization header. This is an OAuth 2.0 standard.
Revoking an access token
DELETE Authorization: Bearer c7326d79-9273-4820-b45d-587f90d1dc9b
Access token validity and expiration
Access tokens are immediately valid once they are returned to the client application. Tokens are valid for 1 week, after which they expire and are no longer valid for access.
Sample OAuth 2.0 Authentication Application
We recommend using a client library to handle OAuth 2.0 authentication instead of handling the implementation yourself. The sample code below is for demonstration purposes only, this is not production ready code. The sample code is written using jQuery.
The example starts with the authentication form that captures the required information from the end-user.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="OAuthForm"> <label for="oAuthUserName">User Name:</label> <input id="oAuthUserName" type="text"/commerce-legacy/> <label for="oAuthPassword">Password:</label> <input id="oAuthPassword" type="password"/commerce-legacy/> <button id="oAuthSubmit">Log in</button> </form> </body> </html>
$('#oAuthSubmit').click(function(event){ // get relevant form variables var userName = $('#oAuthUserName').val(); var userPassword = $('#oAuthPassword').val(); var SCOPE = 'mobee'; var ROLE = 'REGISTERED'; // assemble message form of post var authString = 'grant_type=password&'; authString += 'username=' + userName + '&password=' + userPassword; authString += '&scope=' + SCOPE + '&role=' + ROLE; // post to server $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/cortex/oauth2/tokens', contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8', data: authString, success:function(json, responseStatus, xhr){ // auth header value to be used in subsequent request headers // this value should be persisted (localStorage) and returned with // each request var authReqHeaderString = 'Bearer ' + json.access_token; }, error:function(response){ // handle exceptions from Cortex: // handle bad credentials // handle missing username/password } }); });