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Updating Version Numbers

Updating Version Numbers


EP provides scripts to re-version projects and dependencies for:
  • Commerce Engine, Extensions, Devops and Commerce Manager Client projects
  • EP Commerce for AMC projects
  • Cortex EP Integration project

On Windows, use either Git Bash, MinGW, or Cygwin to run the script.


The examples on this page make the following assumptions:

  • All projects have a common parent folder.
  • Project folders have the same names as ones provided in source release packages.
  • The development branch is checked out for each project.
  • The projects are being reversioned to SNAPSHOT versions for development as recommeneded in Construction Practices - Version Numbers.

Versioning EP Commerce projects


cd <projects-parent-folder>
./devops/scripts/ 616.0.0-SNAPSHOT 0-SNAPSHOT commerce-engine extensions cmclient devops


./set-ep-versions [-h] [-b] [-s <settings-file-location>] <commerce-engine-version> <extensions-version> <commerce-engine-directory> <extensions-directory> <cmclient-directory> <devops-directory>

    -h, --help
        Displays the help page

    -b, --build
        Builds the projects upon completing the version setting. By building the projects after setting their versions, 
        you verify the new version builds correctly.

    -s, --maven-settings <settings-file-location>
        Use a Maven settings.xml file that is not your default from your .m2 directory. This option can let you choose a relative path so each project
        can use a different settings from the same relative path of the project root.

The project directories can be relative or absolute paths. 

Versioning EP Commerce for AMC projects


cd <projects-parent-folder>
./devops/scripts/ 616.0.0-SNAPSHOT 0-SNAPSHOT ep-aem-commerce geometrixx-demo


./ [-h] [-b] [-s <settings-file-location>] <commerce-engine-version> <ep-for-aem-version> <ep-for-aem-directory> <geometrixx-demo-directory>
    -h, --help
        Displays this help page

    -b, --build
        Builds the projects upon completing the version setting. By building the projects after setting their versions, 
        you verify the new version builds correctly.

    -s, --maven-settings <settings-file-location>
        Use a Maven settings.xml file that is not your default from your .m2 directory.

The project directories can be relative or absolute paths. 

Versioning Cortex EP Integration

If you have setup your project as described in Prepare Source Code, you will not need to reversion the Cortex EP Integration project. The Cortex EP Integration release binaries will be retrived from the Elastic Path Nexus repository.

If at a later point you wish to make modifications to the Cortex EP Integration project, you will need to reversion it to a SNAPSHOT version for development.

cd <project-parent-folder>
./devops/scripts/ 616.0.0-SNAPSHOT 0-SNAPSHOT cortex-ep-integration extensions


./ [-h] [-b] [-s <settings-file-location>] <commerce-engine-version> <cortex-ep-integration-version> <cortex-ep-integration-directory> <extensions-directory>

        -h, --help
                Displays this help page

        -b, --build
                Builds the projects upon completing the version setting. By building the projects after setting their versions, you verify the new version builds correctly.

        -s, --maven-settings <settings-file-location>
                Use a Maven settings.xml file that is not your default from your .m2 directory.

The project directories can be relative or absolute paths.