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Resource Classes and Annotations

Resource Classes and Annotations

This section provides an overview of general Cortex concepts, including what the core resource operations are used for and what an api developer might want to achieve using these tools.

Further information on Cortex packages and classes can be found in the javadocs.



REST services are defined in Cortex by implementing the marker interface ResourceOperator

ResourceOperator methods handling a REST request must be annotated with both @Path and @OperationType and must return an OperationResult.

Cortex injects values into the parameters of each ResourceOperator method based on the type of the parameter and the method's annotations. An exhaustive list of annotations is available in the javadocs for the annotation package.

An example resource operator:


public class SimpleResourceExample implements ResourceOperator {

	public OperationResult processRead() {

		return OperationResult.Builder.builder()

Operation Type

The @OperationType annotation indicates which of the CRUD verbs (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) a ResourceOperator method responds to.


Use READ to retrieve a resource from the requested uri. The OperationResult returned by READ includes a ResourceState that contains the resource entity to retrieve.

In the following READ method, a resource, which is identified by @ResourceId, is retrieved from a persistence engine (represented by exampleLookup).

@Path({"/commerce-legacy/examples", ResourceId.PATH_PART})
public OperationResult processRead(@ResourceId String exampleId) {

	// Retrieve data from some backend service
	ExampleEntity exampleEntity = exampleLookup.getExample(exampleId);

	// Create the resource state
	ResourceState<ExampleEntity> exampleState = ResourceState.Builder.create()

	// Create the operation result
	return OperationResult.Builder.builder()
			.withRepresentation(exampleState) //Setting the resourceState response
			.withResourceStatus(ResourceStatus.READ_OK) //The operation was successful (200)


Use CREATE to create a new resource on the server at the requested uri. The ResourceOperation parameter given to a CREATE method contains the Java representation of the entity to be created, as in the following example.

public OperationResult processCreate(ResourceOperation operation) {

	// Get the resource state from the request, and adapt its embedded entity to the type expected from the request
	ExampleEntity exampleEntity = TypeBuilderFactory.adaptResourceEntity(
			((ResourceState) operation.getRepresentation()).getEntity(), ExampleEntity.class
	);  //Presently there is no auto-injection of POSTed entities so this must be done manually

	// persist exampleEntity

	// Create the operation result
	return OperationResult.Builder.builder() //No resourceState was added to this result


Use UPDATE to change a resource on the server at the requested uri. An UPDATE method will update the entity contained in the ResourceOperation parameter.


Use DELETE to delete a resource from the server at the requested uri. A DELETE method is given a @ResourceId that identifies which resource to delete.


OperationResults indicate to Cortex what ResourceState is being returned and whether the operation was successful or not. In addition to the HTTP status code, OperationResults can also return an error message describing why the operation was unsuccessful.

Create OperationResults with the builder method OperationResult.Builder.builder().


The @Path annotation specifies the uri that each method responds to. The uri for a specific method is derived from the @Path annotation of the class combined with the @Path of the method. For more details on @Path, see the @Path JavaDoc.


The ResourceState wraps a resource entity and provides readonly access to the entity's metadata such as the Self uri.

Create ResourceStates with the builder method ResourceState.Builder.create()

Id Encoding

Cortex identifies entities such as orders, customers, items, searches, slots, navigations, and so on with IDs. To uniquely identify each domain object, the Elastic Path Commerce Engine assigns each object a Globally Unique IDentifier (GUID). Cortex provides a Base32Util utility for converting the GUIDs used by the Elastic Path Commerce Engine and to the encoded ids used in Cortex.

Cortex uses encoded ids for the following reasons:
  • GUIDs may contain uri incompatible characters
  • GUIDs are tightly coupled with Elastic Path Commerce Engine domain objects

Linking Resources


Create links between resources by implementing a ResourceStateLinkHandler. ResourceStateLinkHandler is a generic interface which should be typed to the resource you wish to link to. ResourceStateLinkHandler has one method, getLinks(). The getLinks() method receives a ResourceState that provides the meta data required to build the desired links, such as an item's id, and returns 0-many ResourceLinks in an iterable collection.

For example, to add links to item resources:

 *  Adds a link to all ItemEntity objects returned by READ requests.
public class CartToItemLinkHandler implements ResourceStateLinkHandler<ItemEntity> {
	public Iterable<ResourceLink> getLinks(ResourceState<ItemEntity>) {
		//method content returning links


A MediaType identifies each resource by type and helps in deserializing a resource back into an object. Media types are also used when defining a link between resources, as seen in ResourceLink and ResourceStateLinkHandler. Media types are created by the api-generator-maven-plugin and take the form elasticpath.ResourceFamilyName.ResourceEntityName. For example, an items resource will have the MediaType elasticpath.items.item.

Reading from Another Resource

To read an entity from another resource, use the @ResourceUri annotation on a parameter of a resource operator method.

For example, a LineItem might need information about its enclosing Cart, so the LineItem would perform a READ operation on the Cart to retrieve Cart information. When reading from another resource, the uri of the other resource must be appended to the end of the resource's uri. In this example, a separate READ request will retrieve the resource at /other/uri, and inject the retrieved entity into the annotated otherState parameter.

@ResourceUri example
@Path({"/commerce-legacy/example", "/commerce-legacy/other/uri})
public void exampleReadMethod(@ResourceUri ResourceState<OtherEntity> otherState) {
	//method body

Generating Resource API Projects Using the API Generator Maven Plugin

The generate-sources plugin goal of the api-generator-maven-plugin generates the java source corresponding to entity definitions. The following example demonstrates the api-generator-maven-plugin configuration required for producing a resource API definitions jar in the process-resources phase of the Maven life cycle.

API Generator Maven Plugin Source Generation Configuration