SUP-3276: Updated the optional ModSecurity Web Application Firewall DaemonSet configuration to use the currently recommended default values. Additionally, updated the Terraform code to define the version of ModSecurity Web Application Firewall to be deployed, and moved pod memory and CPU values to variables. These changes do not impact firewall rules.
Bug Fixes
SUP-3019: Revised AWS authentication code used by Jenkins to support automatic session renewal for long-running jobs.
Bug fixes
CLOUD-2975: Set Alpine Linux container image version to 3.18.5 for compatibility with the AWS CLI.
Bug Fixes
CLOUD-2832: Updated the script to include the Terraform provider local.
CLOUD-2948: Resolved an issue preventing the kube-proxy and coredns EKS add-ons from being updated.
New Features
SUP-2827: Added the mount option noresvport for the "aws-efs" storage class. For information on how to update deployments that use the "aws-efs" storage class, see Updating Amazon File System Mount Settings.
New features
CLOUD-2820: Updated default Postgres RDS engine to major version 14, and updated create-and-manage-database-server Jenkins job to always install the latest patch release of the defined major version.
Bug Fixes
CLOUD-2850: Enhanced the update documentation to stress the importance of keeping the node groups up to date with the EKS version.
SUP-2686: Updated New Relic agent version to 2.13.10 and set NRIA_EVENT_QUEUE_DEPTH to 2000 in order to resolve could not queue event error.
New features
CLOUD-2751: Consolidated bootstrap version definitions into variables defined in and
CLOUD-2755: Updated the Kubernetes version to 1.25. For more information on the changes, see End of Support for EKS 1.24.
CLOUD-2769: Updated Terraform to v0.14.11, and also updated the Terraform provider versions for compatibility.
CLOUD-2783: Refactored bootstrap and Jenkins agents Dockerfiles for consistency and to reference variables defined in CLOUD-2751.
CLOUD-2717: Refactored EKS nodegroup rebuild process to improve reliability when removing resources that have been replaced.
CLOUD-2797: Used terraform fmt to tidy up the terraform files.
SUP-2459: Replaced container image sources from with equivalents from Simplified and renamed the helm values files for the Elastic Block Store driver and High Availability Proxy installations. Pinned the cluster-autoscaler version.
CLOUD-2790: Removed yq binary and refactored removal of aws-node daemonset during bootstrap node rebuild process.
SUP-1285: Updated restart-commerce-stack job to support restarting datasync and wiremock, in addition to specifying all to restart all services.
CLOUD-2801: Fixed evaluation of TF_VAR_primary_cluster value during bootstrap variable validation.
Added the Terraform resources aws_s3_bucket_ownership_controls and aws_s3_bucket_acl to the Terraform backend, to align with Security Changes in the Amazon S3 service.
Cleaned up the and scripts for clearer logging.
Bug Fixes
CLOUD-2722: Updated the runDataPop parameter description in the multi-purpose-commerce-tool Jenkins job and the description of the run-data-pop-tool Jenkins job.
CLOUD-2776: Updated the versions of the Bootstrap (bootstrap.min.js) and jQuery (jquery.min.js) javascript libraries used in the information page. Bootstrap is updated to v4.1.3 and jQuery to v3.6.4.
CLOUD-2784: Hard coded the mo version to 2.4.1 because the latest release is incompatible with the version of bash used by CloudOps for Kubernetes.
CLOUD-2781: Updated URL for mo to bypass an HTTP redirect and improve the reliability of the download.
CLOUD-2815: Changed the locale setting in the docker-agent container to C.UTF-8 to eliminate the recurring message LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.utf8).
CLOUD-2816: Increased the memory and CPU resources available for the create-additional-kubernetes-cluster Jenkins job by switching to the docker-4gb-2core-1container.yaml profile instead of the previously used docker-1gb-0.25core-1container.yaml profile.
Deprecations & Removals
CLOUD-2771: Custom Jenkins groovy function buildlib.runDeployMySQL() is deprecated; the function will be removed from buildlib in a future release. All out-of-the-box Jenkins pipelines now use function buildlib.runDeployMySQLContainer().
CLOUD-2811: The Alert Logic daemonset installation capability is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
CLOUD-2819: Removed the documentation for CloudOps for Kubernetes releases 2.0.x through 2.3.x, which are out of use and out of support.
CLOUD-2837: The Jenkins job create-additional-kubernetes-cluster and the ability to create and manage additional EKS clusters through Jenkins are deprecated and will be removed in a future release.