CLOUD-2709: Adjusted how the loginToAWS function attempts retries on failure.
Bug fixes
CLOUD-2695: Added sleep(10) before code checkouts in Jenkins jobs to reduce the occurrence of an unable to create new native thread error that causes jobs to occasionally fail. This workaround was described in Jenkins issue JENKINS-65873.
SUP-2070: Updated the and eplib.groovy scripts to retry the AWS authentication when aws cli commands return with an error. This will make Jenkins jobs, including the run-data-pop-tool job, more resilient to AWS API errors.
Bug fixes
SUP-1670: Fixed a bug in the ActiveMQ and Self Managed Commerce deployments in the multi-purpose-commerce-tool Jenkins if allowOpenAccess is set to true for a allow list.
SUP-1690: Fixed a bug in the bootstrap setup process of CloudOps for Kuberenetes, where AWS CodeCommit URLs were interpreted as invalid.
Bug fixes
CLOUD-2604 Fixed a bug with Kubernetes API version mismatching that caused warnings to appear in job logs.
CLOUD-2607: Added a domain groovy variable in the update-waf Jenkins job.
SUP-1670: Changed the URL of the kube-state-metrics image.
Bug fixes
SUP-1607: Work around aws-cli bug 6920 that causes kubectl commands to fail due to an improperly-formatted kubeconfig file.
Bug fixes
CLOUD-2604: Hard coded the kubectl version to 1.21 in the Jenkins agent containers and the bootstrap container to match the version of the Kubernetes cluster.
Bug fixes
CLOUD-2591: Hard coded the eksctl version to 0.90.0 to keep the current status of not providing overrideBootstrapCommand commands to the eksctl template.
New features
CLOUD-2572: Upgrade ActiveMQ in the Docker repository to version to 5.16.4. If you want to consume the CLOUD-2572 change in an existing ActiveMQ deployment in CloudOps for Kubernetes, do the following steps outlined here.
Bug fixes
CLOUD-2117: Changed MAVEN_OPTS to use a smaller default heap size for maven containers.
CLOUD-2539: Added custom rules to the ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF) to mitigate against Log4Shell CVE-2021-44228.
Bug fixes
SUP-1014: Adjusted the JAVA_OPTS environment variable in the Jenkins agent containers to correct the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread error.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue with the nightly-ci-k8s-2.10.x Jenkins job.
New features
CLOUD-2394: Added support for Self Managed Commerce 8.3 version.
CLOUD-2438: Updated the Tomcat version to 9.0.50 and the Java version to v8u275.
CLOUD-2457: Implemented the following changes to improve the user experience for the first time users:
Updated the order of parameters in the docker-compose.yml file, so that the required parameters are listed at the top of the file.
Added default values for some parameters in the docker-compose.yml file, which were not previously set with default values, to make setting up CloudOps for Kubernetes easier.
Updated the descriptions of parameters in the docker-compose.yml file for users to understand when to use those parameters and how to set them.
Added descriptions to views and jobs in Jenkins within the Jenkins user interface, which provides guidance when using Elastic Path products.
Changed the order of parameters and grouped parameters together using parameter separators and headers, in more-complex Jenkins jobs.
Set the Jenkins primary (default) view to the Commerce CI Pipelines view to display a set of jobs that might be relevant to the initial setup.
Added a new Jenkins job, set-default-jenkins-view, to allow users to easily switch the Jenkins default view if desired.
Updated and reorganized the CloudOps for Kubernetes documentation to get started easily and be successful with CloudOps for Kubernetes setup.
CLOUD-2474: Updated the Cert-Manager version to 1.6.0.
CLOUD-2441: Configured the HAProxy controller pods to enable highly available configuration.
Bug fixes
CLOUD-2441: Updated the HAProxy Helm chart version to 0.12.10 to fix a security vulnerability.
SUP-1118: Added Amazon Simple Queue Service permissions to the NodeGroupPolicy.
SUP-1189: Disabled the ModSecurity Web Application Firewall rule that blocks IP data entries in Commerce Manager.