Operational Insights API
Endpoint Details
The following endpoint returns a JSON document that contains the environment configuration and runtime details:
GET integration/api/insights/request
All Integration Server endpoints, including these APIs, are secured with HTTP Basic Authentication. The credentials for any Commerce Manager user with the Web Service Access
role can be used.
We recommend that the default admin
user be disabled and a custom user be created for accessing Integration Server APIs in production environments.
The request supports the following query parameters:
This parameter can be set to a comma-separated list of values that control which sections of the response are returned. You can use the following values:
If not specified, the default value is configuration,runtime,data-shape
This parameter controls how long the API should wait for responses from each of the services for their runtime and configuration details. The value is the number of milliseconds that the API should wait for responses.
If not specified, the default value is 3000 milliseconds.
JSON Response
The response from the Operational Insights API is structured as a JSON object that can be parsed by the Operational Insights front-end, or by a custom process. The response contains configuration and runtime data from each of the Elastic Path Commerce Services, and data shape and revenue data.
The following code block provides an example for an Operational Insights API response:
"epc-version": "8.3.0",
"report-date-time": "2021-11-09T22:48:51",
"report-section-time-ms": 208,
"configuration": {
"ep-services": {
"fb33ab26-1658-4078-935f-2955c35cf849": {
"report-section-time-ms": 1062,
"identification": {
"hostname": "EP-ML-10087",
"instance-guid": "fb33ab26-1658-4078-935f-2955c35cf849",
"ipv4-addresses": "",
"ipv6-addresses": "fe80:0:0:0:9811:e8ff:fe72:b07a, fe80:0:0:0:9811:e8ff:fe72:b07a, fe80:0:0:0:aede:48ff:fe00:1122, fe80:0:0:0:88b:7f4c:7623:e943",
"service-type": "Integration Web Application"
"hardware": {
"memory-total-mb": 16384,
"system-manufacturer": "Apple Inc.",
"system-model": "MacBookPro15,1",
"processors-physical": 6,
"processor-mhz": 2479,
"processors-logical": 12
"operating-system": {
"os-bitness": 64,
"os-family": "macOS",
"os-lang": "en_US.UTF-8",
"os-manufacturer": "Apple",
"os-max-files": 10240,
"os-open-files": 627,
"os-process-count": 453,
"os-thread-count": 827,
"os-uptime-mins": 11399,
"os-version": "12.0.1",
"process-thread-count": 86,
"process-uptime-mins": 65
"jvm": {
"heap-max-size-mb": 2265,
"jvm-arguments": "-Xmx2548m, -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m, -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true, -ea, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Dclassworlds.conf=/Users/gdenning/apache-maven-3.6.2/bin/m2.conf, -Dmaven.home=/Users/gdenning/apache-maven-3.6.2, -Dlibrary.jansi.path=/Users/gdenning/apache-maven-3.6.2/lib/jansi-native, -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=/Users/gdenning",
"jvm-name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
"jvm-vendor": "Azul Systems, Inc.",
"jvm-version": "1.8.0_275",
"jvm-vm-version": "25.275-b01"
"application-server": {
"server-name": "Tomcat",
"server-version": "9.0.85",
"tomcat-accept-count": 100,
"tomcat-max-connections": 8192,
"tomcat-max-threads": 200,
"tomcat-min-spare-threads": 10
"db-client": {
"connection-properties": "",
"connection-url": "jdbc:mysql://",
"driver-name": "MySQL Connector/J",
"driver-version": "mysql-connector-java-8.0.25 (Revision: 08be9e9b4cba6aa115f9b27b215887af40b159e0)",
"pool-jdbc-interceptors": "",
"pool-log-abandoned": false,
"pool-max-active": 100,
"pool-max-idle": 30,
"pool-max-wait-ms": 10000,
"pool-min-idle": 10,
"pool-remove-abandoned": true,
"pool-remove-abandoned-timeout-sec": 60,
"pool-test-while-idle": true,
"pool-validation-interval-ms": 60000,
"pool-validation-login-timeout-sec": 10,
"pool-validation-query": "/* ping */",
"pool-validation-query-timeout-sec": -1
"jms-client": {
"connection-url": "failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?maxReconnectAttempts=2",
"pool-connection-timeout-ms": 30000,
"pool-expiry-timeout-ms": 0,
"pool-idle-timeout-ms": 10000,
"pool-max-active-sessions-per-connection": "200",
"pool-max-connections": "1",
"pool-max-threads": "1000",
"prefetch-policy-queues": "20",
"redelivery-policy-initial-redelivery-delay": "1000",
"redelivery-policy-max-redeliveries": "6",
"redelivery-policy-redelivery-delay": "1000"
"caching": {
"attribute-by-key": {
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 600,
"time-to-live-sec": 600
"attribute-by-usage": {
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 600,
"time-to-live-sec": 600
"attribute-value": {
"time-to-live-sec": 600,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 600
"base-amount": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"category": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"groovy-script": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"price-list-assignment": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"product": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"rule": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"rule-condition": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"sku-option": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"store": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"tag-definition": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"tax-document": {
"time-to-live-sec": 300,
"max-entries-local-heap": 10000,
"time-to-idle-sec": 300
"search-indexing": {}
"database": {
"adaptive-hash-index": "ON",
"compatibility-type": "not implemented",
"db-name": "MySQL",
"db-version": "5.7.35",
"db-aurora-version": "3.02.0",
"global-timezone": "+00:00",
"hds-enabled": false,
"innodb-buffer-pool-size-mb": 128,
"instance-size": "not implemented",
"isolation-level": "READ_COMMITTED",
"max-connections": 151,
"schema-size-kb": 17008,
"session-timezone": "+00:00"
"message-broker": {},
"settings": {
"changesets-enabled": false,
"commerce-manager-admin-user-enabled": true,
"mobee-data-present": true
"runtime": {
"ep-services": {
"fb33ab26-1658-4078-935f-2955c35cf849": {
"report-section-time-ms": 1074,
"identification": {
"hostname": "EP-ML-10087",
"instance-guid": "fb33ab26-1658-4078-935f-2955c35cf849",
"ipv4-addresses": "",
"ipv6-addresses": "fe80:0:0:0:9811:e8ff:fe72:b07a, fe80:0:0:0:9811:e8ff:fe72:b07a, fe80:0:0:0:aede:48ff:fe00:1122, fe80:0:0:0:88b:7f4c:7623:e943",
"service-type": "Integration Web Application"
"hardware": {
"load-average-1-minute": 8.576171875,
"load-average-5-minutes": 5.41259765625,
"load-average-15-minutes": 4.6552734375,
"memory-available-mb": 5434
"operating-system": {
"os-bitness": 64,
"os-family": "macOS",
"os-lang": "en_US.UTF-8",
"os-manufacturer": "Apple",
"os-max-files": 10240,
"os-open-files": 627,
"os-process-count": 453,
"os-thread-count": 827,
"os-uptime-mins": 11399,
"os-version": "12.0.1",
"process-thread-count": 86,
"process-uptime-mins": 65
"jvm": {
"heap-current-size-mb": 1059,
"heap-free-size-mb": 558,
"uptime-mins": 200
"gc": {
"ps-marksweep": {
"name": "PS MarkSweep",
"total-collection-time-sec": 0,
"total-collections-count": 4
"ps-scavenge": {
"name": "PS Scavenge",
"total-collection-time-sec": 1,
"total-collections-count": 51
"application-server": {
"tomcat-current-thread-count": 10,
"tomcat-current-threads-busy": 1
"db-client": {
"pool-active": 1,
"pool-idle": 9,
"reconnected-count": 0,
"remove-abandoned-count": 0
"jms-client": {
"pool-current-connections": 1
"caching": {
"attribute-by-key": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"attribute-by-usage": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"attribute-value": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"base-amount": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"category": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"groovy-script": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"price-list-assignment": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"product": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"rule": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"rule-condition": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"sku-option": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 38,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"store": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"tag-definition": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"tax-document": {
"expired-count": 0,
"average-element-heap-use-bytes": 0,
"object-count": 0,
"hit-ratio": 0,
"max-expected-heap-use-mb": 0,
"current-heap-use-mb": 0
"search-indexing": {}
"database": {},
"message-broker": {}
"data-shape": {
"counts": {
"account-profile-attributes": 8,
"accounts": 25,
"audit-records": 0,
"base-amounts": 342,
"cart-promotions": 39,
"cart-promotions-active": 38,
"carts": 4,
"catalog-promotions": 6,
"catalog-promotions-active": 6,
"categories": 72,
"category-attributes": 12,
"changeset-objects": 0,
"changesets": 1,
"coupon-usages": 3,
"coupons": 11,
"customer-groups": 5,
"data-policy-consents": 4,
"data-policy-points": 8,
"import-job-status": 0,
"inventory-journal": 17,
"master-catalogs": 6,
"modifier-fields": 26,
"oauth-tokens": 4,
"order-holds": 0,
"order-locks": 0,
"orders": 0,
"outbox-messages": 0,
"price-list-assignments": 18,
"price-list-assignments-active": 10,
"price-lists": 18,
"product-associations": 50,
"product-attributes": 9,
"product-types": 26,
"products": 239,
"shipping-service-levels": 11,
"sku-attributes": 27,
"sku-options": 15,
"skus": 282,
"stores": 14,
"user-profile-attributes": 16,
"users-registered": 67,
"users-single-session": 4,
"virtual-catalogs": 6
"sizes": {
"catalog-projections-history-storage-kb": 16,
"catalog-projections-storage-kb": 6016,
"compiled-rule-storage-kb": 400
"revenue": [
"date": "2023-06-05",
"store-code": "MOBEE",
"order-count": 1,
"booked-revenue": 12345.57,
"currency-code": "CAD"
"date": "2023-06-05",
"store-code": "MOBEE",
"order-count": 4,
"booked-revenue": 53221.57,
"currency-code": "EUR"
"commerce-ticker": {
"last-minute": [
"store-code": "MOBEE",
"order-count": 1,
"booked-revenue": 23.44,
"currency-code": "CAD"
"since-midnight": [
"store-code": "MOBEE",
"order-count": 3,
"booked-revenue": 174.1,
"currency-code": "CAD"
"store-code": "KOBEE",
"order-count": 1,
"booked-revenue": 12.16,
"currency-code": "CAD"
Response Fields
The following tables describe each field in the response along with the path to the parameter in the architecture diagram:
Field | Description | Example |
epc-version | The current version of Elastic Path Commerce. | 8.3.0 |
report-date-time | The date and time that the report was generated, in ISO8601 format. | 2021-09-07T15:30:58 |
configuration | The configuration section. | See below. |
runtime | The runtime section. | See below. |
data-shape | The data shape section. | See below. |
revenue | The revenue section. | See below. |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ identification
Field | Description | Example |
hostname | The hostname of the machine on which the service runs. | EP-ML-10087 |
instance-guid | A GUID that is automatically generated at service startup. This GUID is to enables correlating separate API requests to the same running instance. This GUID changes when the service restarts. | fb33ab26-1658-4078-935f-2955c35cf849 |
ipv4-addresses | A comma-separated list of IPV4 addresses that are assigned to the host machine. | |
ipv6-addresses | A comma-separated list of IPV6 addresses that are assigned to the host machine. | fe80:0:0:0:9811:e8ff:fe72:b07a |
service-type | The type of Elastic Path Commerce service that responds to the request. | Integration Web Application |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ hardware
Field | Description | Example |
memory-total-mb | The total memory on the machine, on which the service runs, in megabytes. | 16384 |
system-manufacturer | The manufacturer of the machine on which the service runs. | Apple Inc. |
system-model | The model of the machine on which the service runs. | MacBookPro15,1 |
processors-physical | The number of physical processors in the machine on which the service runs. | 6 |
processor-mhz | The processing speed of the processors in the machine on which the service runs. | 2479 |
processors-physical | The number of logical processors in the machine on which the service runs. | 12 |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ operating-system
Field | Description | Example |
os-bitness | The operating system bitness, such as 32 bit or 64 bit, of the machine on which the service runs. | 64 |
os-family | The operating system family of the machine on which the service runs. | macOS |
os-lang | The value of the LANG environment variable used for determining the default operating system character set. | en_US.UTF-8 |
os-manufacturer | The operating system manufacturer of the machine on which the service runs. | Apple |
os-max-files | The maximum number of open files permitted by the operating system on the machine where the service runs. | 10240 |
os-open-files | The current number of open files in the operating system on the machine where the service runs. | 627 |
os-process-count | The current number of processes running in the operating system on the machine where the service runs. | 453 |
os-thread-count | The current number of threads running in the operating system on the machine where the service runs. | 827 |
os-version | The operating system version of the machine on which the service runs. | 12.0.1 |
process-id | The current process ID of the running service. | 8637 |
process-thread-count | The number of threads running in the current process. | 86 |
process-uptime-mins | The number of minutes that the current process has been running. | 65 |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jvm
Field | Description | Example |
heap-max-size-mb | The maximum amount of heap space permitted by the JVM parameters, in megabytes. | 2265 |
jvm-arguments | A comma-separated list of the Java virtual machine arguments that are passed when JVM starts. Note that some JVM arguments are considered sensitive (such as passwords) so these will be replaced with the value **MASKED** . To modify the list of JVM arguments that are masked, see the sensitiveJvmArgKeyWordList bean in Spring. | -Xmx2548m, -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m |
jvm-charset | The default character set configured in the Java virtual machine. | UTF-8 |
jvm-name | The Java virtual machine name that the service runs on. | OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM |
jvm-vendor | The Java virtual machine vendor that the service runs on. | Azul Systems, Inc. |
jvm-version | The Java virtual machine version that the service runs on. | 1.8.0_275 |
jvm-vm-version | The Java virtual machine VM version that the service runs. | 25.275-b01 |
uptime-mins | The number of minutes that the current JVM has been running. | 65 |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ application-server
Field | Description | Example |
server-name | The name of the application server that the service runs on. | Tomcat |
server-version | The version of the application server that the service is running on. | |
tomcat-accept-count | The acceptCount parameter of the Tomcat HTTP Connector. | 100 |
tomcat-max-connections | The maxConnections parameter of the Tomcat HTTP Connector. | 8192 |
tomcat-max-threads | The maxThreads parameter of the Tomcat HTTP Connector. | 200 |
tomcat-min-spare-threads | The minSpareThreads parameter of the Tomcat HTTP Connector. | 10 |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ db-client
Field | Description | Example |
connection-properties | The connection properties that is used to connect to the database. Note: Some connection properties may be passed in the connection URL. | |
connection-url | The connection URL that is used to connect to the database. | jdbc:mysql:// |
driver-name | The name of the JDBC driver that is used to connect to the database. | MySQL Connector/J |
driver-version | The version of the JDBC driver that is used to connect to the database. | mysql-connector-java-8.0.25 |
pool-jdbc-interceptors | The jdbcInterceptors parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | |
pool-log-abandoned | The logAbandoned parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | false |
pool-login-timeout-sec | The loginTimeout parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 10 |
pool-max-active | The maxActive parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 100 |
pool-max-idle | The maxIdle parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | |
pool-max-wait-ms | The maxWait parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 10000 |
pool-min-idle | The minIdle parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | true |
pool-remove-abandoned | The removeAbandoned parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 60000 |
pool-remove-abandoned-timeout-sec | The removeAbandonedTimeout parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 60 |
pool-test-while-idle | The testWhileIdle parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | true |
pool-validation-interval-ms | The validationInterval parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 60000 |
pool-validation-query | The validationQuery parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | /* ping */ |
pool-validation-query-timeout-sec | The validationQueryTimeout parameter of the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | -1 |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jms-client
Field | Description | Example |
connection-url | The connection URL used to connect to the JMS broker. | failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?maxReconnectAttempts=2 |
pool-connection-timeout-ms | The maximum wait time, in milliseconds, to get a connection from the pool. | 30000 |
pool-expiry-timeout-ms | The expiryTimeout parameter of the ActiveMQ PooledConnectionFactory. | 0 |
pool-idle-timeout-ms | The idleTimeout parameter of the ActiveMQ PooledConnectionFactory. | 10000 |
pool-max-active-sessions-per-connection | The maximumActiveSessionPerConnection parameter of the ActiveMQ PooledConnectionFactory. | 200 |
pool-max-connections | The maxConnections parameter of the ActiveMQ PooledConnectionFactory. | 1 |
pool-max-threads | The maxThreadPoolSize parameter of How to deal with large number of threads in clients. | 1000 |
prefetch-policy-queues | The queuePrefetch parameter of What is the Prefetch Limit for. | 20 |
redelivery-policy-initial-redelivery-delay | The initialRedeliveryDelay parameter of ActiveMQ Redelivery Policy. | 1000 |
redelivery-policy-max-redeliveries | The maximumRedeliveries parameter of the ActiveMQ Redelivery Policy. | 6 |
redelivery-policy-redelivery-delay | The redeliveryDelay parameter of ActiveMQ Redelivery Policy. | 1000 |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ caching ➡️ [cache-type]
Field | Description | Example |
max-entries-local-heap | The maxEntriesLocalHeap parameter of ehCache Setting Expiration. | 10000 |
time-to-idle-sec | The timeToIdleSeconds parameter of ehCache Setting Expiration. | 300 |
time-to-live-sec | The timeToLiveSeconds parameter of ehCache Setting Expiration. | 300 |
configuration ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ search-indexing
Field | Description | Example |
document-creator-max-pool-size | The maximum size of the thread pool that is used to create documents in the search index. | 100 |
entity-loader-max-pool-size | The maximum size of the thread pool that is used to load data from the database for population of the search index. | 100 |
configuration ➡️ database
Field | Description | Example |
adaptive-hash-index | Indicates whether MySQL Adaptive Hash Index is enabled. | ON |
db-name | Specifies the name of the database engine that is used to store commerce data. | MySQL |
db-version | Specifies the version of the database engine that is used to store commerce data. | 5.7.35 |
global-timezone | Specifies the global timezone setting in the database. | +00:00 |
hds-enabled | Indicates whether Elastic Path Commerce Horizontal Database Scaling is enabled. | false |
innodb-buffer-pool-size-mb | Specifies the configured size of the InnoDB buffer pool in megabytes. | 128 |
isolation-level | Specifies the isolation level of the open connection to the database. | READ_COMMITTED |
max-connections | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that the database will accept. | 151 |
schema-size-kb | Specifies the total size of the current schema, in kilobytes. | 17008 |
session-timezone | Specifies the session timezone setting in the database. | +00:00 |
configuration ➡️ settings
Field | Description | Example |
changesets-enabled | Indicates if changesets are enabled. | true |
commerce-manager-admin-user-enabled | Indicates whether the Commerce Manager admin user is enabled. | true |
mobee-data-present | Indicates whether the current schema contains mobee test data. | true |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ identification
Field | Description | Example |
hostname | The hostname of the machine on which the service runs. | EP-ML-10087 |
instance-guid | A GUID that is automatically generated at service startup. This GUID is to enables correlating separate API requests to the same running instance. This GUID changes when the service restarts. | fb33ab26-1658-4078-935f-2955c35cf849 |
ipv4-addresses | A comma-separated list of IPV4 addresses that are assigned to the host machine. | |
ipv6-addresses | A comma-separated list of IPV6 addresses that are assigned to the host machine. | fe80:0:0:0:9811:e8ff:fe72:b07a |
service-type | The type of Elastic Path Commerce service that responds to the request. | Integration Web Application |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ hardware
Field | Description | Example |
load-average-1-minute | The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to the available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of one minute. | 4.6552734375 |
load-average-5-minutes | The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to the available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of five minutes. | 8.576171875 |
load-average-15-minutes | The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to the available processors and the number of runnable entities running on the available processors averaged over a period of fifteen minutes. | 5.41259765625 |
memory-available-mb | The free available memory, in megabytes, on the machine on which the service runs. | 5434 |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ operating-system
Field | Description | Example |
os-open-files | The number of files that are currently open on the operating system. | 551 |
os-process-count | The total number of processes currently running on the operating system. | 711 |
os-thread-count | The total number of threads currently running on the operating system. | 1794 |
os-uptime-mins | The duration between the current time and the time when the operating system was booted in minutes. | 4771 |
process-id | The process ID of the service. | 97251 |
process-thread-count | The total number of threads running in the current process. | 89 |
process-uptime-mins | The duration between the current time and the starting time of the current process in minutes. | 200 |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jvm
Field | Description | Example |
heap-current-size-mb | The current size of the Java heap in megabytes. | 1059 |
heap-free-size-mb | The available space in the Java heap in megabytes. | 558 |
uptime-mins | The duration between the current time and the starting time of the Java Virtual Machine in minutes. | 200 |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jvm ➡️ caching ➡️ gc ➡️ [gc-type]
Field | Description | Example |
name | The name of the garbage collector. | PS MarkSweep |
total-collections-count | The number of garbage collections that are completed after starting Java Virtual Machine. | 51 |
total-collections-time-sec | The total time, after starting Java Virtual Machine, that is spent for garbage collections. | 1 |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jvm ➡️ application-server
Field | Description | Example |
tomcat-current-thread-count | The total number of threads allocated to the Tomcat thread pool. | 10 |
tomcat-current-threads-busy | The total number of busy threads in the Tomcat thread pool. | 1 |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jvm ➡️ db-client
Field | Description | Example |
pool-active | The number of active connections in the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 1 |
pool-idle | The number of idle connections in the Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool. | 9 |
remove-abandoned-count | The number of database connections that are removed from the pool for exceeding the abandoned timeout. | 0 |
reconnected-count | The number of times that the database is reconnected. | 0 |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jvm ➡️ jms-client
Field | Description | Example |
pool-current-connections | The current number of connections in the JMS connection pool. | 1 |
runtime ➡️ ep-services ➡️ [instance-guid] ➡️ jvm ➡️ caching ➡️ [cache-type]
Field | Description | Example |
average-element-heap-use-bytes | The estimated average amount of heap space that each element of the cache uses, calculated by determining the size of random samples of the cache, in bytes. | 1058 |
current-heap-use-mb | The estimated amount of heap space in use by this cache, calculated by determining the size of random samples of the cache, in megabytes. | 15 |
expired-count | The number of elements expired from the cache. | 1548 |
hit-ratio | The ratio of hits to misses for this cache. | 0.75 |
max-expected-heap-use-mb | The estimated amount of heap space that this cache will use, if the maximum number of elements are populated, calculated by determining the size of random samples of the cache, in megabytes. | 175 |
object-count | The current number of elements in the cache. | 185 |
data-shape ➡️ sizes
Field | Description | Example |
compiled-rule-storage-kb | The space used in the database for the compiled promotion rules, in kilobytes. | 100 |
compiled-rule-storage-kb | The space used in the database for the catalog syndication projections, in kilobytes. | 100 |
compiled-rule-storage-kb | The space used in the database for the catalog syndication projection history, in kilobytes. | 100 |
data-shape ➡️ counts
Field | Description | Example |
[table-name] | The number of records in the specified table. | 1000 |
This array contains a list of records, grouped by date, store code, and currency-code, representing the number of orders and total sales for the date/store code/currency combination.
Field | Description | Example |
date | The date that the metrics in this section are being reported for. | 2023-01-01 |
store-code | The store code that the metrics in this section are being reported for. | mobee |
currency-code | The currency code that the metrics in this section are being reported for. | USD |
order-count | The number of orders that were placed on the specified date for this store and currency. | 10 |
booked-revenue | The total value of all orders that were placed on the specified date for this store and currency. | 1000.00 |
commerce-ticker ➡️ last-minute
Field | Description | Example |
store-code | The store code that the metrics in this section are being reported for. | mobee |
currency-code | The currency code that the metrics in this section are being reported for. | USD |
order-count | The number of orders that have been placed in the past minute for this store and currency. | 10 |
booked-revenue | The total value of all orders that have been placed in the past minute for this store and currency. | 1000.00 |
commerce-ticker ➡️ since-midnight
Field | Description | Example |
store-code | The store code that the metrics in this section are being reported for. | mobee |
currency-code | The currency code that the metrics in this section are being reported for. | USD |
order-count | The number of orders that have been placed since midnight for this store and currency. | 10 |
booked-revenue | The total value of all orders that have been placed since midnight for this store and currency. | 1000.00 |
When you make an Operational Insights request, a reportId
GUID is generated and sent in a JMS message to each of the following topics:
The message is only sent if the request has the zoom query parameter,
The message is only sent if the request has the zoom query parameter,
All Elastic Path Commerce services, which are currently running, are assigned to these topics. When these topics receive a JMS message, a JSON response is generate and sent back to the service using the following JMS queues:
The Integration Server REST request thread waits up to 2000ms to collect responses and filters the responses so that all responses contain the correct reportId
. The responses with incorrect reportId
are ignored. If the Operational Insights request consists of the zoom query parameters, data-shape
and revenue
, the Integration Server REST request thread collects information from the database to populate the data-shape
and revenue
sections of the report.