Search Server in Elastic Path Commerce
The Search server is responsible for:
- Handling search requests from Commerce Manager and Cortex
- Indexing searchable entities:
- Categories
- Customers
- Products
- Promotions
- CM Users and SKUs used by Commerce Manager and Cortex
Search Server Technologies
The Elastic Path Search server is comprised of three technologies: Solr, Lucene, and Quartz.
Solr - Is an HTTP server that handles search requests from Cortex and the Commerce Manager. Solr’s Major Features:
- Caching queries for faster responses
- Web-based administrator interface
- XML configuration files
- Spell checking for alternative query suggestions
- Follows distributed server model, so Solr can support large scale deployments
Lucene - Is the Search server’s core technology. Lucene is an open source, high-performance text search engine library. Lucene’s Major Features:
- Text-based inverted indexing
- Text analyzers that transform text strings into searchable terms
- Syntax parsers for breaking up queries and matching them to documents
- Query spellchecking based on indexed content
- Supports Luke to graphically analyze Lucene indexes
Quartz - Is an open source job scheduling service. Quartz schedules index building. Quartz’s Major Features:
- Light-weight and configured with XML files
- Fault-tolerant so scheduled jobs still run after a system restart
Why does Elastic Path uses Solr and Lucene?
- Solr and Lucene are open source
- Solr and Lucene are written in Java
- Solr is highly scalable
- Solr is easily configured through XML files
- Solr and Lucene are proven technologies used successfully in large implementations