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  • Team Management/
    Team Management in Commerce Manager

    Team Management in Commerce Manager

    You can manage team members from the SYSTEM > Store Settings > Team Management tab.

    Sorting Team Members

    You can sort the team member list by Name, Email, or Role.

    Adding Team Members

    1. Select +Invite user.
    2. In the dialog box that opens, enter a name, email address, and choose a role.

    For more information, see Inviting Team Members and Roles.

    Deleting Team Members

    You can delete team members from the SYSTEM > Store Settings > Team Management page. This action cannot be undone.

    Changing Team Members Roles

    You can change a team member’s role from the SYSTEM > Store Settings > Team Management page.

    1. Select a team member from the table to open the User Details page.
    2. Select the new role from the Role field.
    3. Click the Save button.

    The team member needs to sign in for the change to take effect.

    Managing Pending Invites

    On the SYSTEM > Store Settings > Team Management page:

    • Choose Members to view all the members in your stores or organization.
    • Choose Pending Invites to view all the members whom you have invited to your store or organization, but they haven't accepted the invitation. The list of pending invites displays only the Email addresses that do not belong to any users already registered in the system.

    To resend or withdraw the invite, click the ellipsis associated with the Email and select Resend Invite or Withdraw Invite.


    Understanding Roles in Commerce Manager
    Store Roles