Composable Frontend 2.0 Learn more 

  • Products/
    Product Variations/
    Product Variation Modifiers API/
    Create a Modifier

    Create a Modifier

    This endpoint is for Administrator use only. Do not use this endpoint on your customer-facing frontends.

    POST Create a Modifier

    • Ensure that an option ID is provided in the request to create modifier for the option.
    • Modifier values can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0 to 9, -, and _. No spaces or special characters are allowed.

    Use one of the following for modifier types and corresponding values:

    • commodity_type : Provide physical or digital
    • status: Provide live or draft.
    • description_append : Provide a value to append with the description.
    • description_prepend: Provide a value to prepend with the description.
    • description_equals : Provide a value for the description.
    • name_append: Provide a value to append with the name.
    • name_prepend: Provide a value to prepend with the name.
    • name_equals : Provide a value for the name.
    • sku_append: Provide a value to append with the SKU.
    • sku_prepend: Provide a value to prepend with the SKU.
    • sku_equals : Provide a value for the SKU.
    • slug_append: Provide a value to append with the slug.
    • slug_prepend: Provide a value to prepend with the slug.
    • slug_equals : Provide a value for the slug.

    You need not provide values for slug_builder and sku_builder. These modifier use seek and set. The string provided for set replaces all the strings that match the value provided in seek. For example, if you set "seek":"{color}" and "set":"red", all strings that match "{color}" are replaced with red. For more information, see the Modifiers section.


    Path parameters

    optionIdRequiredstringThe ID of the option for which you want to provide a modifier.


    AuthorizationRequiredstringThe Bearer token required to get access to the API.


    typeRequiredstringThe type of resource object. You must use product-variation-modifier.
    attributes.typeRequiredstringThe type of the modifier.
    attributes.valueRequired for non-builder modifiersstringThe value of the modifier type.
    seekRequired for builder modifiersstringThe sub-string to find and replace enclosed in curly brackets for slug_builder and sku_builder.
    setRequired for builder modifiersstringThe value to replace matches the seek string for slug_builder and sku_builder.

    Request example

    curl -X POST
         -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d $'{
            "data": {
              "type": "product-variation-modifier",
              "attributes": {
                  "seek": "{color}",
                  "set": "red",
                  "type": "slug_builder"

    This request creates a product variation modifier with the attributes that are defined in the body as in the following response:

    Response example

    201 Created

        "data": {
            "type": "product-variation-modifier",
            "id": "310e10f1-9bb9-4bdd-99ec-b9b0e4d54d5d",
            "attributes": {
                "seek": "{color}",
                "set": "red",
                "type": "slug_builder"
    Get a Modifier