Composable Frontend 2.0 Learn more 

  • Commerce Cloud/
    Cart Items/
    Add Items to Cart (Re-order)

    Add Order Items to Cart (Re-order)

    From a shopper’s order history, they can add the items from a previous order into their carts. Shoppers can add items regardless of past order status, such as incomplete or not paid. For more information, see Orders.

    • Any requests to add an item to cart return a collection of cart items.
    • A cart can contain a maximum of 100 unique items. Items include products, custom items, and promotions.
    • When a shopper creates a cart and re-orders items from an order with properties such as custom attributes, custom discounts, and payment intent ID, these properties will remain unchanged in the original cart.
    • Custom items do not exist in catalogs, and therefore cannot be reordered.

    POST Add items to cart from a previous order

    Call this endpoint each time you add items to a cart from a previous order.


    Path parameters

    idRequiredstringThe unique identifier of the cart that you created.


    AuthorizationRequiredstringThe Bearer token to grant access to the API.
    X-Moltin-Customer-TokenRequiredstringThe unique identifier of a signed-in customer. Corresponds to the customer_ids attribute in a catalog_rule object.
    EP-ChannelRequiredstringThe channel, such as website or mobile app. Corresponds to the channel attribute in a catalog_rule object.
    EP-Context-TagRequiredstringA tag defined in the store, such as clearance. Corresponds to the tag attribute in a catalog_rule object.


    order_idRequiredstringThe order identifier.
    options.add_all_or_nothingOptionalbooleanWhen true, if an error occurs for any item, no items are added to the cart. When false, valid items are added to the cart and the items with errors are reported in the response. Default is true.

    Request Examples


    curl -X POST \
         -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d $ {
          "data": {
            "type": "order_items",
            "order_id": "da0b0a12-8232-4be1-a354-a1a64b11de91"

    JavaScript SDK

    const reference = "XXXX";
    const productId = "25617d3e-14a6-434c-bfab-3fda87517aaf";
    const data = {
        type: "order_items",
        order_id: "da0b0a12-8232-4be1-a354-a1a64b11de91",
    // Where `EPCC` is an authenticated client
    await EPCC.Cart(reference).BulkAdd(data);

    Response Example

    201 Created

        "data": [
                "id": "8838d444-87f4-411f-9d89-9fc809f0b1cb",
                "type": "cart_item",
                "product_id": "9eda5ba0-4f4a-4074-8547-ccb05d1b5981",
                "name": "Crown",
                "description": "Abstract, sculptural, refined and edgy with a modern twist. Its symmetrical, spoked structure generates a clever geometric presence, which works well in a contemporary environment.",
                "sku": "CWLP100BLK",
                "image": {
                    "mime_type": "image/png",
                    "file_name": "lamp7-trans.png",
                    "href": ""
                "quantity": 1,
                "manage_stock": true,
                "unit_price": {
                    "amount": 47500,
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "includes_tax": true
                "value": {
                    "amount": 47500,
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "includes_tax": true
                "links": {
                    "product": ""
                "meta": {
                    "display_price": {
                        "with_tax": {
                            "unit": {
                                "amount": 47500,
                                "currency": "USD",
                                "formatted": "47500"
                            "value": {
                                "amount": 47500,
                                "currency": "USD",
                                "formatted": "475.00"
                        "without_tax": {
                            "unit": {
                                "amount": 47500,
                                "currency": "USD",
                                "formatted": "47500"
                            "value": {
                                "amount": 47500,
                                "currency": "USD",
                                "formatted": "475.00"
                    "timestamps": {
                        "created_at": "2018-05-08T10:00:20.171620445Z",
                        "updated_at": "2018-05-08T10:00:20.171620445Z"
                "catalog_id": "92073438-7640-4ace-9670-c8c5c1a89cd7",
                "catalog_source": "pim"
        "meta": {
            "display_price": {
                "with_tax": {
                    "amount": 47500,
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "formatted": "475.00"
                "without_tax": {
                    "amount": 47500,
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "formatted": "475.00"
            "timestamps": {
                "created_at": "2018-05-08T10:00:20.171620445Z",
                "updated_at": "2018-05-08T10:00:20.171620445Z",
                "expires_at": "2018-05-20T10:00:20.171620445Z"
    Add Promotion to Cart